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Loki grabbed another hand full of dirt and gently threw it on the strings. The dirt completely covered the strings and Loki was able too see how they were connected. It was a labyrinth of strings, that spanned the entire room. They all culminated I to 5 separate strings that attached to Jinzog's fingers. Loki and Harmji could hear his loud snores echoing throughout the room! It was so deafening. Loki took a deep breath and slowly began to walk into the labyrinth. He crossed the entire labyrinth without incident and made it to a sleeping Jinzog. Loki looked like an Insect compared to his large bulbous body. He slowly climbed up his arm, to his shoulder and down his chest to where the necklace was resting. Harmji whispered to him.

Harmji: You must take the whole necklace. It is  the key!

Loki nodded and began to unclasp the ruby colored necklace. It was tiny and sparkly. How could Jinzog even feel it around his neck. Loki was successful in getting the precious key. Once he had it, he wrapped it around his neck multiple times and quickly scurried down Jinzog. As he made it down, he had to once again face the gauntlet of strings. But having the very heavy necklace wrapped around his body wasn't helping his balance, but he made it through unscaved. As him and Harmji made it to the end of the labyrinth, Loki lost his footing and stumbled to the ground. The entire string gauntlet shaked and bells began ringing loudly. This scared Jinzog awake and he began to growl and sniff the area around him. Loki ducked behind the wall of the room and held his breath.


Loki made a run for it. Jinzog saw Loki and began screaming at the others to stop the Intruder. Soon the whole cave was shaking from all the trolls waking up and searching for Loki. Loki ducked and hid and ended up at the disgusting water fall. Loki could see the opening to the cave closing quickly, and he knew he wouldn't make it in time. His heart began pounding and he became nervous. He ran for the opening and just as he got there the cave opening sealed shut.

Loki: What now? We're trapped! 

Loki could hear the trolls in full pursuit of him. He becomes discouraged and soon sat against the wall, simply waiting for the trolls to arrive and take him away.

Harmji: We are not!

Loki: We're not what?

Harmji: Trapped.

Loki: There's another way out?

Harmji pointed to the water fall and Loki winced.

Harmji: The water leads to a river, we have to jump. I will send word to Sarphon. He will meet us there. Loki took a breath and began to run towards the water fall. As he past the opening to the cave he could see the trolls  right in his trail. They all screamed at Jinzog that they had found him. Jinzog cam running as fast as he could but it was too late. Loki had disappeared and the trolls had no idea where he went. Loki had jumped into the disgusting dirty water and rode the falls into a waiting river on the outside. Poor Loki was exhausted and ending up passing out as he floated down the river. Sarphon and Sarafeen were waiting and saw Loki floating as saw the little sprout waving them down. Sarphon reached in the river and pulled Loki out. He laid him on the grass and started a fire so that he could be warm. Loki slept the rest of the night as Sarphon and Sarafeen shrouded him from view.

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