Chapter 9

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On an island in the Pacific Ocean, a ring portal opens to reveal Knuckles and Robotnik with drones and the compass.

"The owls were fools to think they could hide this." Knuckles said.

A drone scans the sand and finds a hole for the compass. Knuckles places the compass on the hole and the ground starts to uncover more of the hole as a green glow comes from the ground to a line in the ocean.

"What's happening?" Knuckles asked.

"Wait for it..." Dr. Robotnik replied.

Suddenly, a green light shines from the sky and the ocean clears away to reveal a hidden temple.

"Eureka! I've found it!" Dr. Robotnik exclaimed.


Back at Hawaii at the dance floor, Maddie tends to Tails before the family heard a thunder. They looked over and saw a green light far away. Walters, from afar, is tied up to a chair as he sees the green light.

"Kids, what is that?" Tom asked.

"A big problem." Sonic replied. "The compass led Robotnik to the Emerald."

"That's got to be hundreds of miles away." Maddie said.

"Now what?" Paige asked.

"All right. Huddle up." Tom stated. "Let's figure out a plan. Together."

"There's no time for that." Sonic disagreed, as he began to walk off. "I'm the only one that can get there fast enough."

"Sonic, this is way too big for you to do by yourself." Maddie said, which made Sonic stop.

"You see that little fox over there?" Sonic asked, as he moves his hand to the unconscious Tails. "He came all the way across the universe to meet his hero. And what did his hero do? I practically got him killed." He turned to Tom. "You know what? You were right. My moment came and I blew it. I'm no hero."

"Wait." Paige said.

"No. I'm not letting anyone else get hurt because of me." Sonic stated. "I'm gonna fix this while I still can."

Sonic dashes off to the beachside.

"Kiddo!" Paige called out.

"Sonic!" Tom exclaimed.

As Tom says this, Tails awakens.

"Sonic, wait!" Tails gasped, as he tries to fly to catch up with Sonic, but due to being in in no shape to fly, falls to the ground, with Paige and her parents coming to him.

"Tails!" Paige exclaimed.

"Hold on. Hold on." Maddie said, softly. "Wait, wait, wait. Don't move. Don't move."

"Take it easy, little guy." Tom added. "You're hurt."

"But we have to help him." Tails insisted, as Paige helped him stand up. "You don't know what he's up against."

Tails and the family look over at the green light. Tom and Maddie go to Walters.

"You believe us now?" Tom asked, which made Walters nod.

"You okay, Tails?" Paige asked, worriedly.

"I'm fine." Tails replied. "I'm just worried about Sonic."

"So am I." Paige admitted. "But we're still together. The two of us are still a team."

Tails smiled, before Paige noticed that her parents came back.

"Guys, we have to go with Olive Garden guy." Tom said.

"What? After what they did to us, you are going to trust them?!" Paige asked, in shock.

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