Chapter 3

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Later at the Wachowski house, Tom and Maddie were packed to go somewhere.

"How excited are you to go to Hawaii?" Tom asked, with a smile.

The two enter the living room to see Sonic, Paige, and Ozzy, with Sonic holding a clipboard and spatula with a tie, the three of them wearing sunglasses and standing in front of a Ring portal with a view of Hawaii visible through it.

"Welcome to Sonic Air, the fastest way to travel." Sonic said. "Now boarding groups one and two."

"Aww, kids!" Maddie laughed. "This is so fun!"

Maddie walks forward, but Sonic blocks her.

"I'm sorry ma'am, you're group three." Sonic apologized. "Please wait your turn. Anyone from groups one and two?"

Paige shook her head with a smile at her parents.

"Just let him get it out of his system." Paige said.

"Okay, anybody else?" Sonic asked. "Right this way."

"Thank you." Maddie said.

She walks forward, with Sonic pretending to scan her with the spatula. Sonic makes scanning noises with his mouth, making Maddie laugh.

"And you, sir?" Paige answered as she turned to her father.

As she goes, Tom them walks up, with Sonic doing the same to him.

"Terrible shirt detected." Sonic commented.

"There we go." Tom said.

"Okay, your free to go." Sonic informed. "Enjoy your trip. Bu-bye now."

Paige goes to her parents and hugs them, as they hugged her back.

"I'll miss you guys." Paige said, before she kisses them on their cheeks and stands back with Sonic and Ozzy.

"Behave this weekend." Tom reminded.

"We will." Paige assured.

"Okay." Tom said, before he bends down to Sonic's level and opens his arms. "Bring it in."

"Tom, I'm about to be hedgehog of the house for the first time." Sonic stated. "I think I'm a little mature to hug you goodbye."

"Okay, what about a power bump?" Maddie suggested as she bends down and makes a fist.

Paige bends down and Tom makes a fist as well.

"Yes! Power bump!" Sonic agreed. "That's more like it."

Sonic, Paige, Tom, and Maddie all power bump as they all raise up and un-fist their hands.

"Wachowski!" They cheered.

Tom and Maddie head their way through the Ring portal as Sonic holds a Ring in his hand.

"Okay, use this one to get back home." Sonic said.

Sonic tosses the Ring to Tom, who catches it in his hand.

"Alright, we're off." Tom announced. "Okay, be good!"

Tom and Maddie walk through to the other side of the Ring.

"Yes, you have our number." Maddie added.

"Sorry, I can't hear you, you're traveling through a cross dimensional portal!" Sonic said.

The Ring proceeds to close.

"Miss you already!" Tom said.

"Okay!" Maddie added.

"Love you guys!" Paige smiled as she waved goodbye. "Tell Aunt Rachel and Jojo I said hi!"

"Have fun at Rachel's wedding!" Sonic added.

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