Chapter 4

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Back at the Wachowski house, Sonic, Paige, and Ozzy are watching TV on the couch as Sonic is eating a bowl of popcorn. Paige feeds a piece to Ozzy.

"Alright guys, its movie night at Casa del Sonic and it's Ozzy's turn to pick." Sonic announced.

Outside, a Ring portal forms, without them noticing.

"But I am not watching Snow Dogs again." Sonic said. "That movie is the 🎵worst!"

Suddenly, the lights shut off.

"Aw, man!" Paige complained.

"Ohoho!" Sonic smiled. "Blackout!"

He zooms away and returns, turning on a flashlight to reveal him in a blanket.

"Oooohhh... Oooozzzzyyy..." Sonic said in a spooky voice.

Ozzy whimpers and runs off.

"Ozzy!" Paige called out.

"Oh, sorry buddy." Sonic apologized. "Everything's okay."

Suddenly, the TV screen shows a static screen, startling Sonic and Paige. They both walk out of the room.

"Um, excuse me? We did not order a poltergeist..." Sonic said.

"If we did, it's gonna have a visit to the hospital." Paige assured, as she walked to the kitchen to grab her father's pistol.

"Whoa, hey! Tom said not to use the gun on people!" Sonic reminded. "He said use the stun gun."

Paige loads the gun with bullets.

"Well, they're in for a treat." Paige joked.

"Paige!" Sonic said.

"I'm kidding, I'm just going to use it to scare them off." Paige reassured.

Sonic and Paige walk together, lightning flashes to reveal a shadow. They make it to the door and Paige stays by the stairs as Sonic walks over.

"Um, if this is the pizza guy, this is really unprofessional." Sonic said.

He gently presses against the door and reaches for the nob, only for sparks to surround it, making Sonic back away to stand by Paige. Soon after, the doorknob falls off, and the door slowly opens up to reveal Robotnik across from Sonic and Paige with his pointed finger of his control glove glowing like a taser.

"Eggman?" Sonic questioned.

Robotnik blows out the taser like a candle and looks to the siblings.

"Well, if it isn't Lilo and Stitch." Dr. Robotnik said. "Did you miss me?"

"Not really." Paige replied before she aims her pistol at Robotnik.

"I don't know how you got back, but you made a big mistake coming here." Sonic warned.

"Oh contraire mon frere!" Dr. Robotnik corrected. "The mistake was thinking that you've won. But that was just a prelude, an d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an Amuse-bouche--."

"Dude, we get it!" Paige groaned, in annoyance.

Robotnik chuckles as he walks forward waving a finger.

"I don't think you do. But you both are about to." Dr. Robotnik threatened. "And so will that idiot sheriff and his wife."

Sonic makes a fist with chaos energy building up.

"And your little dog too!" Dr. Robotnik continued.

Sonic rushes up and time slows as Sonic prepares to punch Robotnik in the face. Robotnik then backs away to reveal Knuckles leaping right at a surprised Sonic. Time goes back to normal as Knuckles punches Sonic right through a wall, destroying the TV.

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