Chapter 7

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Next morning at the bar, Sonic wakes up and yawns. He then notices a woman from the bar is sleeping directly besides him, and clinging onto him.

"Paige. Tails." Sonic called out, quietly. "We have a situation."


On the mountains, Paige and Tails fly over the snowy mountains with Sonic getting a lift from Tails.

"Today's forecast calls for clear, sunny skies and a 100% chance of adventure." Sonic announced, jokingly.

"I pinpointed the coordinates." Tails informed. "It's right up ahead."

The team sees a view of the mountains.

"Wow." Sonic awed.

"This is amazing." Paige smiled, breathlessly.

The trio arrived at a small ice cave and land. Paige takes lead with Tails and Sonic following her.

"Hey, guys. Wait up." Sonic said.

The trio see a giant owl themed gate.

"Whoa." Paige gasped. "It's like the legend of the guardians of Ga'hoole novels."

"Okay, we got a giant owl door." Sonic added. "Seems encouraging."

The trio enter through the gate and see carving of stone on the walls. As they were walking, Paige's quill necklace illuminated in purple a little bit, which neither of them noticed.

"Whoa." Tails said. "Check this out."

"Wall writings." Paige smiled. "Helpful at places like this."

"Can you translate that?" Sonic asked Tails.

"Yeah." Tails replied.

A montage shows of echidna warriors and owls with the chaos emeralds and the master emerald.

"Ages ago, a fearsome group of warriors, known as the echidnas, forged the seven Chaos Emeralds into the most unstoppable weapon ever created." Tails described.

"The Master Emerald." Sonic said.

"With it, a single warrior could defeat entire armies." Tails continued. "Believing no one should have such power, an order of heroes recovered the Emerald and swore to protect it from evil."

The montage ends.

"Sounds like the owls and the echidnas have been fighting each other for centuries." Tails said.

"Like Vin Diesel and the Rock." Sonic added.

"So the master emerald is somehow a fusion of seven other emeralds?" Paige theorized. "Like in Steven Universe."

"Who's that?" Tails asked.

"That is a great question for another time." Paige chuckled, as she and Tails walked off together with Sonic catching up.

"Wait for me." Sonic said.

The trio see a large owl statue.

"Okay, giant owl door, giant owl." Sonic listed. "Makes sense."

"Sure." Paige agreed as Tails stared in awe.

Sonic walks up to the puzzle and recognizes something.

"Wait a second. I've seen these symbols before." Sonic said, as he looks at the map and back at the puzzle. "Here we go."

Sonic solves the puzzle and the owl statue began to operate.

"Well, that did something." Sonic commented, as he stood by Paige and Tails.

The Blue Blur and Art Girl (Sonic 2 Adoptive Older Sister Story)Where stories live. Discover now