Chapter 10

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Meanwhile at the Mean Bean Coffee Café, Stone is handcuffed to a chair and Wade interrogates him.

"I'm done playing games, pal. You're gonna tell me what I want to know. And I am asking you for the last time..." Wade threatened, before he revealed a bagel. "What would you like on your bagel?"

"I'm not telling you anything." Stone said. "And that is a display bagel."

"I don't get it with you! I mean, I've tried everything. I was good cop. I was bad cop. I was cop who offers you a bagel. And nothing. It's like..." Wade complained, before he tried to bite the bagel and took it out of his mouth. "That is a display bagel. Wow."

Suddenly, everything turns green and Robotnik enters, which terrified Wade.

"Doctor, you're here." Stone smiled.

"Yes, I'm here, and yet I'm... Not all there." Dr. Robotnik said, robotically.

"Sir, are you feeling okay?" Stone asked.

"I'm more than okay. I'm upgraded." Dr. Robotnik replied as he projects a green psychic energy keypad. "Sinister 3.0. My game is next level." He teleports next to Stone. "Hi."
That scared both men. "I can smell the electricity in your brain." He noticed Wade. "You smell like a snack plate."

"Yeah, that's fair." Wade agreed. "I had a couple today."

Robotnik teleports next to him.

"Sit down." Dr. Robotnik ordered, that made Wade imagine to sit in a chair. "In the chair."

"I didn't know. 'Cause he-. Cause he was in the chair, so I didn't. Okay." Wade stuttered.

Wade sits in the chair and Stone handcuffs him. He noticed something outside.

"Sir? We have a problem." Stone alerted.

He opens the blinds and Penny is outside with Ozzy and G.U.N agents surrounding the place.

"I didn't realize that this would be backup." Penny admitted.

"Ma'am, you and your dog stay behind the car." An agent informed, which Penny and Ozzy did so before the agent turned to the team. "All teams in position! Set up a perimeter! Move! Move! Move!"

"Incorrectus, my trusty barnacle." Dr. Robotnik said. "After all these years, what I finally got... Is a solution."

Outside, a helicopter arrives and lands. Tom, Maddie, and Walters exit and go over to the agents.

"Commander." A female agent said.

"Status report." Walters stated.

"Robotnik is in there with Stone and a hostage. Possibly local PD." The agent replied. "I'm not saying he's dumb, but if he is local PD, this town's in a lot of trouble."

Tom and Maddie look at each other.

"Wade." They both answered, before they meet up with Penny.

"Penny?" Maddie questioned, which made her look over.

"Oh, hi Mr and Mrs. Wachowski." Penny greeted. "It's not a surprise that Wade's trapped in there."

"What are you doing here with Ozzy?" Tom asked.

"I'm dog sitting, I volunteered." Penny replied.

Suddenly, they heard a noise and stand back as Robotnik levitates out of the coffee shop.

"Okay." Maddie said.

"Rockin' that new spring collection, I see." Tom joked.

"Well, if it isn't the Pastry King." Dr. Robotnik mocked.

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