Chapter 11

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Next day at Green Hills baseball field, the team is playing a baseball game. Tails is the pitcher as Knuckles is the batter.

"It's truly a beautiful day for baseball here in Green Hills." Sonic announced. "An exciting lineup today with the debut appearance of two new players! On the mound, rookie sensation from across the galaxy, Miles 'Tails' Prower, facing off against the powerhouse, Knuckles the Echidna."

"Uh, I don't understand." Knuckles said. "Why am I angry at the enemy ball?"

"You're not angry." Sonic explained. "You just want to hit it as hard as you can and then run around the bases."

"But if my quest ends where I am standing, why run at all?" Knuckles asked.

"Ugh. I can't with this guy." Sonic muttered. "Why do I even try?"

"Don't get confused, Knuckles." Paige said.

"This is just a game." Maddie assured. "We're out here having fun."

"Just having some fun." Tom agreed.

"Fun. Huh." Knuckles said.

Sonic dashed back and plays as the umpire. A person on a motorcycle drives in the parking lot and reveals to be Danny. Paige noticed and gave him a small wave with a blush. Danny smiled and waved back.

"All right!" Sonic cheered. "Give him the heat, Tails!"

"Hope you're ready for my fastball." Tails said.

"Your fastball will be dishonored." Knuckles declared. "And so will you, fox."

"Easy, guys!" Maddie said.

"Don't think about it too much." Tom explained. "Just keep your elbow up, eye on the ball and give it a ride."

"You got this!" Paige cheered.

"A ride?" Knuckles questioned. "To where?"

Tails throws the ball.

"Power bump!" Knuckles chanted.

Knuckles punches the ball with red chaos energy. Tails ducks as the ball flies past him and crashes through the sign.

"Victory is mine!" Knuckles cheered.

"Hey, no fair!" Tails complained. "That shouldn't count."

Knuckles runs around the bases while everyone stared at the hole in the sign.

"First base is also mine!" Knuckles chanted.

"I think that was our only ball." Tom said.

"Plan B?" Paige chuckled, nervously.

"I have conquered the second of the bases!" Knuckles continued.

"Yep." Maddie agreed, before she turned to the others. "Who wants ice cream?"

"Knocked the cover off that." Knuckles continued.

"Ice cream!" Sonic cheered.

"Ice cream, yeah!" Tails smiled.

"I am having the fun!" Knuckles cheered, before he walked over to the team. "What is ice cream?"

Sonic, Paige, Tails, and Knuckles meet up.

"It's a dessert." Sonic explained. "If you like fun, you're gonna love it."

"Oh, Yum. Dessert." Knuckles smiled. "Does it have grapes in it?"

"No, not usually." Sonic replied.

"It would be a nice flavor though." Paige said.

Tom and Maddie smile at the team.

"I'm proud of our little guy." Tom said. "Even Paige is a good friend to them as well."

"I really like his new friends, especially the red one." Maddie added. "He cracks me up."

"Heck of a swing too." Tom commented.

"Come on, fox. Our dessert adventure awaits." Knuckles stated, as he carries Tails on his shoulders and Ozzy walks over to Maddie.

"Good job, guys." Maddie said, before she pets Ozzy. "You too, baby. Let's go get some ice cream. Come on, come on."

Maddie and Ozzy follow Tails and Knuckles, while Paige walks over to Danny.

"Glad you remembered my offer." Paige smiled.

"Your town is amazing so far." Danny commented with a smile. "I see you made another new friend. You and your team are something incredible. It must be awesome being a group of heroes."

"Well, that's the one thing about being a team." Paige replied. "You look after each other."

Paige and Danny secretly hold hands and Maddie goes up to talk to him.

"Who's this, sweetie?" Maddie asked.

"This is Danny." Paige introduced. "Danny, this is my mom."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." Danny smiled as he and Maddie shook hands.

"Oh, you also gotta meet Knuckles." Paige said.

The three of them walked over to the truck and Tom kneels to Sonic's level.

"I'm happy for you, pal." Tom said. "Got your wingmen. Perfect friends to grow up with."

"Come on, Knuckles." Tails smiled as he sits at the back of the truck.

"Ah. My victory chariot!" Knuckles exclaimed, before he jumps onto the truck.

Maddie, Paige, and Danny walk over and laugh. Danny offered to shake Knuckles' hand, but Paige quickly stopped him and instead Danny gave him a high five.

"I've got a lot more than that... Dad." Sonic stated as he turned to Tom, which made him smile.

"Race you to the truck." Tom said. "One, two, three, go!"

Tom races Sonic to the truck and Sonic uses his speed to beat Tom.

"No, don't go easy on me. I want your best." Tom commented.

Sonic and Paige join Tails and Knuckles at the back. Tom, Maddie, and Ozzy get inside the truck and Danny hops back on his motorcycle.

"Sonic, I have just been told they have sprinkles." Knuckles said.

"Ice cream and sprinkles?" Sonic questioned. "This is your new destiny."

"What a perfect meal to celebrate my victory over you in base of ball." Knuckles said, which made Paige roll her eyes with a smile.

"What?" Tails questioned.

"I mean, you barely beat me." Sonic commented.

"You've never been beaten so hard." Knuckles said.

The truck pulls out and drives off as Danny follows behind on his motorcycle.

"Sonic, I think you forgot something." Paige reminded.

At the bench in the baseball field, the team left behind a blue ice chest cooler with the Master Emerald lying within. Sonic speeds back over to the cooler.

"Can't forget this." Sonic said, before he grabs the cooler and runs off.

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