Truth or Dare #1- Mirror Paper Special

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Mirror Paper Special Cast-

Ollivander 'Olly' Origami
Olivia Origami
Ori Origami
Paper Captain Toad (Starshroom)
Jean-Pierre Colored Pencils the 12th
Sylvanda 'Rubber Band' Shakespeare
Anthony 'Hole Punch' Shroom
William 'Tape' Dispenser
Micheal 'Yape' Dispenser
Handaconda 'Vessel' Cutout
Sly 'Scissors' Sky
Christopher 'Chris' Starshroom
Aslynn Starstrike
Eric/Erik Gokai
Alvin (DJ Snifit)
Victor (DJ Toad)

"Heeeeeey everyone...! Welcome to Truth or Dare #1!" I smiled, pulling my hood over my head. "Where you can ask questions or give dares for pretty much anyone from any franchise listed in the description of this book!"

I looked at my co-host, Sarah. She looked back at me, with her ice blue eyes.

"What?" She asked.

"Do you wanna say anything?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"... no, no I don't. You covered everything," Sarah said.

"No, no I didn't," I smiled at her. "Rules!"

"... oh, right, rules," Sarah looked at the screen, her arms crossed. "Rule number one- make sure your questions and dares are not inappropriate- so no NSFW, lemons, or any sort of ships that make us uncomfortable, like Cuphead x Mugman. Rule number two- uh... have fun?"

"Yeah!" I flew up and wrapped an arm around her neck, giggling. She shoved me off.

"Your making me hot," Sarah complained.

"Geez, I'm dead, I don't have body heat..." I muttered.

"Yes, you do," Sarah said as the spot where I touched her cooled off. "It's called your hoodie. Its charged with energy that allows you to control all of your powers."

I muttered something under my breath as we walked into our moniter room. Mono and Star were already in there, Mono taking off his paper bag and Star crying on the floor because he spilled his ice cream.


Sarah walked up to the microphone and tapped the button on it, turning it on in one specific room, where the cast for Mirror Paper Special had been gathered. "Testing, testing..." She spoke. Everyone in the room perked up. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes!" Olly yelled.

"Okay, great, thanks. Anyway, you all should already know why you are here... KerokeroppiCrossing has a dare for you- she wants you to tell your darkest secrets to each other theat very few know about," Sarah said. "And if you don't have any dark secrets...? Uh..."

"Tell your most embarrassing one!" I yelled into the microphone. Sarah whipped her head to look at me while Mono started laughing and Star just looked confused.

We decided to pretend that was part of it so everyone could share something.

"... yes, tell your most embarrassing secret," Sarah reiterated. "We'll start from the top of the list, so Ollivander has to go first."

"It's Olly!" Ollivander yelled, before looking down. "I don't have very many dark secrets, but... my darkest one would have to be..." he squinted at the ground. We waited.

A few minutes later, he looked up. "I secretly want to murder Bobby."

"What? Why?!" Bobby yelled.

"Your dating my sister!" Ollivander yelled as Colored Pencils hugged Ollivander closely.

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