Super Paper Mario but MX and IHateYou!Luigi- The Beginning

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It was a fine afternoon in the realm of Mario 85, or the world of MX. The demonic being was laying on the ground next to the snapped flagpole in World 1-1 of the original Super Mario Bros.

After a chit-chat with Purified X, the good side of his best friend Lord X, and being reassured that his best friend is indeed still his best friend, MX decided to take a break from killing Lucas.

He's not that evil. Mario's personality influenced a lot of how MX acts. This 12-foot-tall, burly, mustachioed monster taking the form of a friend can be friendly. Just don't be too innocent. MX's mantra is repeated throughout the world, his own words, repeating verbally and in writing forever more.

Innocence doesn't get you far.

MX chuckled at that, looking at his sheet-white hands. His flesh is fused with his clothes, so he has black hair, a black shirt, and dark red overalls with no buttons. His hands were so pale that they resembled gloves, though he didn't wear any, nor gave the illusion that he did. That's how pale his complexion was.

Still, MX is rather bored. So much power, yet so few ways he can use it. The confines of this game made him upset sometimes. How Lord X did all the things he did was beyond the slightly younger Dark Matter being. Or Xenophanes for that matter, by far the weakest of the three. But that did not make Xeno a pushover by any means- if he was the weakest, it was only because he was the youngest, and as he grew, his power did as well.

And if Xeno is considered the weakest, then imagine just how powerful Lord X truly is. Xeno is very close in power to Lord X and MX, he's only barely the weakest, and Lord X is barely the strongest, but each has just enough edge to be considered the weakest and strongest of the three.

What irritated MX was their creativity and ways of using their powers- something the size of the game MX chose to possess largely restricted.

Lord X had tried to tell him to make his own world and link a portal into the game's code, but MX had been too stubborn to listen. He basically did this to himself.

Could I move games for a little while? I'd have to bring Lucas with me buuuuuuut... hm. Maybe I can find a babysitter. Oh, I know who to call!

Although I'll have to add 'creating my own world and put the portal in this game's code' to the list of tasks to do while not in this game...

MX made a phone call.

"Hello?" Came the gruff voice of someone he knew all too well. Something about his voice was off, though... MX ignored it for now.

"X, can you do some babysitting?"

"... wat?"

"Can you babysit Lucas?"

"Your victim? You want me to babysit him?"


"... why?"

MX explained his situation to Lord X.

"This is why I said to make your own world... sorry MX, I can't."

"Date night with Mephiles?"

"Yeah. I'm also drunk as chaos and I did crack earlier, so I wouldn't do it even if it wasn't a date night."

That explains why his voice sounded so strange. MX hated it when X did crack, regardless of circumstance.

"What the f-"

"In my Lord X form," Lord X finished.

"It doesn't matter if your Lord or Purified, your still X. I'm not letting a high, drunk X watch Lucas."

"Good on you. Though may I suggest a babysitter?"

"Xenophanes?" MX asked almost hopefully.

"No, Xeno's got his own situation to deal with," was the reply. "Now may I suggest?"

"Yeah," MX nodded, a little disappointed that neither of his most trusted friends could watch his eight-year-old victim. "Who do you suggest?"

"What game do you plan to migraine to?"

"Hm... Super Paper Mario," MX decided.

"Okay, then have Paper Mario watch Lucas," X said.

"... really?" He asked.

"Yes, and Paper Luigi," X continued. "Have someone else take his place while you do... whatever it is you want to do."

"How well will IHateYou!Luigi work?" MX asked.

"I mean... he's a Luigi?" X shrugged over the phone. "But he hates Mario with a burning passion... that includes you."

"But I'm not Mario..."

"Doesn't matter to him, just remember your far stronger then he is. You'll be fine, MX," X promised. "And remember-"

"If it's an emergency and I need your help even if your high or drunk or even on a date, call you immediately, blah blah blah, I know your mantra, X," MX said a little agitatly. "I got this though."

"Don't worry, I trust you MX. Your my best friend for a reason. Good luck," X hung up, as did MX.

Though things wouldn't go quite as expected for MX...

MX created his world, then moved a screaming Lucas into it. Then he went out to get Paper Mario and Paper Luigi and places then in his world to watch Lucas, then found IHateYou!Luigi, and forced the angry burned corpse into going to Super Paper Mario with him.

IHateYou!Luigi was not happy with this arrangement.

And the story of Super Paper Mario but with MX and IHateYou!Luigi instead of the Paper Mario and Paper Luigi everyone knows.

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