Triple Trouble (Sequel to Play with Me)

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Dark Olivia (Sonic.EXE/Xenophanes)
Soul Ori (Soul Tails/Tails.EXE)
Soul Bobby (Soul Knuckles/Knuckles.EXE)
Soul Olly (Soul Eggman/Dr.Robotnik.EXE)
KerokeroppiCrossing's Olivia
Kero's Origami Craftsman
Kero's Bobby
Kero's Olly

This is a sequel to Play With Me, a Sonic.EXE parody I wrote using the lyrics of the song of the same name by LongestSoloEver. Because it's based on Sonic.EXE, it's pretty clear that the story is terrible, so I don't recommend reading it. If you don't like Sonic.EXE, parodys, the concept/idea/character of Dark Olivia, Paper Mario in general, Paper Mario: The Origami King, Mario in general, or are sensitive to blood, gore, death, "scary" scenes or images, then don't read Play With Me or Triple Trouble.

This story is split up into five acts over on Random Crap, where I posted the drafts for Kero to review so I could keep her characters... you know, in character. Here, those five acts are going to come together in one chapter to tell the full story all in one go.

The five acts are-

The Opening Act
Act 1- A Broken Craft
Act 2- A Shattered Bomb
Act 3- The Fallen King
Final Act- Final Escape

Similarly to Play With Me, this is going to be a lyrical adaptation, this time of Juno Songs' cover.



Opening Act

It was a fine day in the life of Olivia. She reunited with her brother and her father, she reunited with her best friend, and she made some sort of peace with the Legion of Stationary. Some sort because Olivia had not made amends with Scissors, not that she hadn't been trying. Scissors flat-out refused any advances toward peace.

She walked downstairs to where her father, the Origami Craftsman, a green Toad in a blue shirt wearing a yellow apron, and her brother, King Olly, a blonde with a patch of hair covering one eye, with said patch of hair having a patch of purple, were working. The two were getting along a lot better now, even if his son had to die in order to stop being angry. Imagine if he came back as a vengeful spirit!

Oh wait...

"Hi Craftsman, hi Olly!" Olivia said cheerfully. "What are you guys working on?"

"It's a project we aren't ready to share with the Legion yet," Olly responded.

"A gateway into another world," Craftsman clarified.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Olivia shivered. If Scissors found out and teamed up with another Scissors, the population of the entire world would be screwed.

That's not mentioning the potential effects it would have on the fabric of space and time itself.

"Yes," Craftsman said flatly.

Olly fixed his very light purple shirt and moved his purple sportscoat a small bit. "If the portal is stabilized properly, we will be able to travel across dimensions without tearing anything up."

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