Ashlynn x Eric (Ashric)- A Love Letter

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It was a warm summer day. The sun shone down on the park as Ashlynn Starstrike, the infamous Demon of Chaos, sat down on a nearby bench. As much as she ravished the satisfaction of chaos, something about today had her slowing down.

A letter.

A letter from her dear ghost (or angel?), the agent of order himself.

Eric (Erik?) Gokai.

She turned the envelope over and over in her hands. It was signed from him and left in her locker. It even had her name on it.

Why was he being so shy? Or maybe it was something else. Maybe he thought she already had a boyfriend?

As much as Ashlynn enjoyed flirting with Rubber Band, her heart wasn't quite into it. She just enjoyed seeing the dramatic theatere nerd get flustered.

Nah, Eric was always the one for her. The reason he was transformed into a ghost. The reason his name turned from Erik to Eric.

The reason the boy, so hopelessly in love with a devil's child, lost his wings.

He forgot. Forgot everything. Forgot what cast him down here.

Forgot her.

Ashlynn shook her head and took a breath, finally unsheathing her claws. She slowly tore the top of the envelope opened. What could Eric have written?

She pulled out the letter and started reading.

Dear Ashlynn,

Hey, it's Eric. I know I've probably been a little weird, and maybe staring a bit... I'm sorry, I swear I'm not trying to be a creep!

Ashlynn giggles. She had noticed, of course. But she never minded. He was hers, after all. Her other half. Her soul mate.

Nobody could ever make her as happy as much as he did.

I've just been feeling really weird... for a long time now. You make my heart soar with your amazing moves, your demonic features are a bit cute... your eyes like emeralds, your hair like golden silk...

I guess I should get to the point. I love you, Ashlynn Starstrike. I love you, and I want to be with you for the rest of eternity. Call me, please?

With love, Eric Gokai

"Oh, you poor, clueless idiot..." Ashlynn giggles. Something about the way Eric write this reminded her of the very first love letter he wrote, back when he was Erik.

The same style, and even the letters were nearly identical.

When things weren't in order, poor Eric becomes a mess. Sometimes flustered, other times, he's upset.

Ashlynn loved him then, and still loved him now. She turned the letter over, and called the number listed on the back.

Ring... ring...

The phone picked up.

"Hello?" Eric's voice, ever calm and collected as always. She loved that voice of his.

"I love you too, my angel ghost."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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