Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Tournament

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One fine day, Puppymon and Sarah were arguing over which temperature was better- hot or cold. Star and Mono just watched the debate, both not really having an opinion as they preferred room temperature, whatever it happened to be.

So Puppymon gets a message and checks it. "RebeccaWood471 wants our main AU to have a Mario Kart tournament," she said.

"So how is that going to work?" Sarah asked. "Ollivander, Olivia, Jean-Pierre, Sylvanda, Anthony, William, Micheal, Handaconda, Sly, Bobby, Ori... that's only eleven people. And I imagine you want to do a four-on-four?"

"Yep, to create the most chaos possible," Puppymon said.

"How will that even be a tournament? That's..." Sarah tried to think.

"We have four groups of four, and the winners of those groups go into the final round," Puppymon said.

"Well, for that to work, we need sixteen people," Sarah said. "How come you left out Alvin and Victor?"

"I forgot about them..." Puppymon said sheepishly. "That's thirteen. What about the last three?"

"Paper Mario, Paper Luigi, and Paper Bowser?" Sarah suggested.

"That's no fun..." Puppymon said. "I don't want to use them... besides, their not directly involved in our AU, Paper Mario and Paper Luigi only showed up in Mario's Madness to be traumatized."

"How about Eric, Ashlynn, and Christopher?" Sarah asked.

"... their busy," Puppymon said, remembering they had plans to travel their world and didn't want to disturb them.

"Well-" Sarah threw up her hands in frustration. "Why are you doing this?"

"I know no one else is going to get attention, so I'm going to be using people from those," Puppymon said.

"All of that stalling... for that?" Sarah asked.

"... yes," Puppymon nodded. At her answer, Sarah facepalmed hard, a very audible smack filling the room.

"Then who are going to be the last three contestants?" She asked.

"Sonic.EXE, Lord X, and MX," Puppymon said cheerfully.

"Your an idiot..." Sarah groaned out. "Fine, just call them into the room. Or teleport them in."

"Gladly!" Puppymon said and a portal opened. Then stepped in the characters from our main Paper Mario AU, and from another portal stepped in the crybaby, the crybaby's guardian, and the guardian's best friend.

Which, in case nobody knows, are Sonic.EXE, Lord X, and MX.

They all stared at each other while Mono jumped out of the TV and started setting up Mario Kart. When it was done, he set the controllers down and jumped back into the TV, reappearing in the console room.

"Hello everybody!" Puppymon said into the speaker. "How are all of you?"

"What are THEY doing here?" Olly asked.

"Ouch, rude," Puppymon whined.

"Their here so you have sixteen people," Sarah took over.

"Sixteen people for what?" Sonic.EXE asked.

"A Mario Kart Tournament," Sarah said. "We'll start with four groups of four. The winners from those groups face off, and the winner is... well, the winner."

"What's the prize?" MX asked.

"Uh..." Puppymon and Sarah exchanged glances.

"That will be decided when the tournament is concluded," Sarah said.

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