If Cuphead, Mugman, and Chalice were in The Origami King 1

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"Oof..." the ceramic dish landed on the ground, wincing in pain. Taking a couple moments to orient himself, he stood up, holding his cup head. He looked around, soon worried. "Mugsy?"

"Oow..." a groan came from beside him. The cup looked over to see a mug with a big blue nose and blue eyes. He wore a black sweater, blue shorts, white gloves, brown shoes, and has grayish skin.

"Mugman!" The cup scrambled over to him and looked him over.

"Cuphead!" Mugman hugged his brother and looked him over. Yep- brown shoes, black sweater, white gloves, red shorts, grayish skin. Unlike Mugman, Cuphead has big eyes and a small red nose.

They looked around, feeling like someone was missing.

"Where's Ms. Chalice?" Cuphead asked.

"Up here, boys!" A voice called out. They looked up and smiled.

"Chalice!" They waved as she jumped down. She wore a black sweater, and a short blue skirt. Her skin is a light yellow, with a darker yellow tint around the rim of her chalice and her heels. She wore white gloves, had small black eyes, a dark yellow, small nose, a mole under her right eye, and under her skirt, the white frills of the cover for her undergarments can be seen. Once the Legendary Chalice, and now their best friend, Chalice easily got into everything the Cupbros. did, and in some cases, more.

She landed next to them and placed her hands on her hips.

"So what in blazes is going on?" Chalice asked, taking a look around.

Cuphead and Mugman shrugged, before taking a look around themselves. They were on the dirt path near a woods, with a lake to one side of them. With nothing else to do, they started walked along the path until they got to a deserted town.

"Golly... what happened here?" Mugman asked. "They were setting up for something, it seems..."

"Well, that something doesn't seem to matter anymore, everyone is gone," Cuphead said. "I don't see a single person anywhere..."

There is a note on the white bricked ground, so Cuphead picked it up. "... somethin' about an origami festival."

Mugman and Chalice looked around before looking back at Cuphead.

"Sure seems like it," Chalice said.

"What's origami?" Mugman asked.

"The art if creation through the folding of paper," Chalice explained. "You can make some incredible and intricate creations through the technique of origami."

"Chalice is right," Cuphead said, looking up. "This date is complete boosh, though I assume its today, by the looks of things."

"Yeah..." they looked around for a bit, until coming across the castle.

"Whoa," Mugman looked up at it.

"Holy bananas..." Chalice spoke.

Cuphead walked up to the door and pushed- it opened with little resistance. "Huh..." he looked at his brother and best friend.

They shrugged, and they walked on. The door shut and locked behind them.

Mugman quickly ran over and tried to open it, but sighed in frustration. "It's locked tight..."

"We gotta move foreward," Chalice said. Cuphead and Mugman nodded, and they walked down the hall.

They came across the main room, with the stairs leading up to another door. Standing on the big centerpiece, Cuphead noted that it felt like something bent.

Maybe it can't hold much weight?

The doors opened, and out walked an origami princess, with blonde hair and in a pink dress.

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