If Cuphead, Mugman, and Chalice were in The Origami King 3

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Cuphead, Mugman, Chalice, and Olivia traveled down to the tram on the aeroplanes.

When they got there, the Toad cheered for being free.

"Wow, you kids actually went and did it! I wasn't expecting that!" The Toad said.

"That's whatcha get when you have teamwork!" Cuphead said, placing his hands on his hips.

"Thanks to you getting rid of the streamer, I can finally run the tram again! I know it wasn't for very long, but I missed operating it!" The Toad said.

"So, the blue streamer is going to that red mountain... can you help us get there?" Mugman asked.

"Yeah! There's already a passenger who's been waiting since the streamer tied up me and the tram," Toad said. "Hop on in!"

The Cupbros., Chalice, and Olivia got on the tram and sat down. Mugman leaned on Cuphead, and the younger cup brother fell asleep, and soon the older cup brother fell asleep as well.

Chalice yawned and smiled, watching Olivia as she looked out the window, smiling and giggling. She was so genuinely excited to see what was out there.

"First time out of the house?" A boy asked, looking a little annoyed. There were a few things that wasn't quite right with the boy. He's got yellow eyes instead of white eyes, and a yellow tail instead of a grey one. Chalice and Olivia didn't know anything about his species, but figured those features couldn't be correct. His flesh is a dark brown, and he was blue hair with a patch of dark blue, hidden by a dark blue beanie hat. He wore a black and dark blue hoodie that is a couple sizes too big, based on how it covered his hands completely with no trouble, and it went halfway to his knees, with black pants and yellow shoes. He couldn't have been a kid, but not an adult either.

Only left the final option- a lost teenager.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Where you sleeping?" Olivia asked, looking at him.

"Eh, not really. What brings you to Autumn Mountain?" He asked.

"We're chasing the blue streamer! What about you?" Olivia asked.

"I'm on a journey of self-discovery. I'm trying to remember... well, anything," the boy replied.

"What?" Chalice raised an eyebrow.

"You know that memory-loss thing? Ambrosia? Anesthesia? Thinky thinky panic?" The boy asked.

"... you mean amnesia?" Chalice asked.

"Yes, that," he nodded. "I'm trying to remember anything that can cure it. So that leads me here."

"Oh... well, do you remember your name?" Chalice asked.

"It's Bob-omb," the boy replied.

"Well, Bhomas, I'm Olivia!" Olivia smiled.

"... Olivia, he said Bob-omb," Chalice looked at Bob-omb. "I'm the Legendary Chalice, or Ms. Chalice, but everyone just calls me Chalice. And those two," she gestured to the Cupbros. "Are Cuphead and Mugman, two brothers and my best pals."

"Nice to meet ya, I guess," Bob-omb leaned back in his chair.

"Well... nice to meet you too, I guess," Chalice leaned back on her chair, placed her hands behind her head, and watched Olivia and the Cupbros.

Olivia couldn't help but be giddy and excited for the trip ahead, which proved to be infectious to Bob-omb. He slowly scooted closer to them.

"... say... I don't really have a destination on Autumn Mountain..." Bob-omb spoke, choosing his words carefully. "But you folks seem to know where your going."

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