13 | Dad's Story Time

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"Dad, where are Eunji and Mom?" Jin asked as he walked inside the living room

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"Dad, where are Eunji and Mom?" Jin asked as he walked inside the living room.

"They went outside for some shopping," Jiyun answered without looking up from his phone as Jin sat beside Hoseok.

"By the way, dad." Jungkook looked at him. "I noticed Eunji never really plays with us on the computer or phone. She prefers puzzles and books. Why?"

"Oh, yes!" Taehyung also looked at their father. "She denied every offer for that but the kids usually never deny."

"She seems to be too well behaved for a child at her age in terms of manners," Namjoon mentioned.

"I think I need to tell you the real truth." Jiyun closed his phone. 

"What truth? Are they some secret spies?" Yoongi joked with a smirk.

"What if they are?" Jiyun removed his glasses and everyone looked at his serious face. "I'm joking. They are normal humans." They sighed in relief because for a moment, they thought that he was serious.

"Then tell us." Namjoon closed his book.

"Let me tell you in a form of a story." Jiyun cleared his throat and adjusted his position on the sofa. "Long time ago, there was a-"

"Dad, we are not kids." Jimin interrupted him but Jiyun grabbed his slipper and threw it at his face. "OUCH!"

"Don't interrupt me, you fly shit." Jiyun sneered at him but cleared his throat and started again, "There was a very beautiful woman. She was young and had a very well-paying job. Every man would stop to glance at her whenever she passes by."

"I think that's Mom." Hoseok chuckled and Jiyun nodded with a big smile.

"But to their loss, she already had a lover. But she was hiding a secret from him..." Jiyun trailed off to give a little suspense and the boys gulped. "And that was, she can't have kids."

"Huh?? Then what about Eunji?!" Jin frowned but Jiyun signalled him to wait.

"When she revealed the truth to her lover, he left her."

"Oh no!" Taehyung pouted.

"He is a bastard." Yoongi scoffed but Jiyun glared at him for his vulgar language and sent him a flying slipper on his face and the boy yelped in surprise.

"The poor girl never got into a relationship with a man because of her broken heart. When she reached 29, she would feel something missing in her life even though she had a very high-paying salary. So, one day, she decided to adopt a child. A girl."

"And that's Eunji!" Jungkook exclaimed with a smile and Jiyun nodded.

"Society criticized her idea for not marrying at that age but instead, adopting a kid, especially when it was a kid. When she went to the orphanage, they had just received a newborn girl child. The girl was crying extremely hard and no one was able to be silent. The woman saw it and took her in her arms and the girl child instantly calmed down. She named her Eunji, meaning kindness and wisdom."

"Aww." Hoseok had a soft expression.

"Don't aww. That's cringe." Yoongi said with a disgusted face but received a flying slipper from Jiyun. "How the fuck you got a third slipper?!" Well, another slipper. "Fourth!?"

"Shut up." Jiyun let out a deep breath. "Anyways, they started to live a happy life. Society stopped saying anything bad to the woman after she shut up, saying things like, 'At least, I'm financially stable to a raise child alone and own a big house unlike you all, who just have things to say things over someone's happy life. Focus on your own kid and partner, don't ever come in my and my child's life if you are going to stay toxic like this'."

"YES SLAY!!" Everyone screamed and cheered.

"As the little Eunji grew up three and was enough age to go out and interact with kids, a huge wave of tragedy hit them. Not only them but the whole world."

"Corona," Jin muttered.

"So, she had to lock up inside the house with her mom, who instead attended online meetings. The woman didn't want her dear child to fall into deep influence of technologies, so she bought her a lot of mind puzzling games, taught her basic study and a few kitchen works."

"No wonder she could cut a few vegetables and boil ramyeon," Jimin said.

"The woman met a very handsome man when she was 34 during an offline meeting and they fell in love. To her surprise, that man was very rich and was taming seven donkeys in his big mansion."

"DAD!!" They all shouted with offensive faces and Jiyun just laughed.

"Anyways, after a year of dating, they decided to marry to give their kids the figure of the missing parent they were longing for." Jiyun grabbed her hands together and crossed his legs. "Eunji always wanted a sibling but sadly, she couldn't have them but now, she has them. She sees you all as her friends as well which she never had cause she has barely interacted with any humans except us."

"Ohh." Taehyung nodded along with the others.

"So, you all better treat her nicely." Jiyun pointed at them.

"Understood." Jin nodded.

They heard the door open and a familiar voice screaming, "Dad!~" Eunji appeared in front of them and ran to Jiyun and hugged his waist as he was sitting on the sofa. 

"Hey, my baby." Jiyun greeted her back with a large grin and caressed her hair.

"We brought pastries for everyone and you know, my front teeth broke when I was eating my candy." She showed her teeth and there was a missing tooth in between them.

"Aww, does it hurt?" Jiyun grabbed her cheeks and started to check her teeth. He purposely made a sad puppy face, at which, his sons silently cringed.

"No. I didn't even cry. I'm a big girl now. Mom says big girls never cry." Eunji huffed and looked at Hyun, who was taking out the pastries. "So, Mom bought me an ice cream."

"What?? No, I want ice cream. I don't like pastries." Jungkook frowned but Hyun showed him those 'eyes'.

"Be happy you can eat them. Look at the people suffering to eat only a single bite of food." Hyun lectured him. Jungkook blinked and quickly grabbed his pastry.

"Fine." Jungkook pouted and stuffed the snack in his mouth. His brothers chuckled.

"Next time, if you say anything like this again, I won't give you dinner." Hyun sat down on the floor.

"What if I say it after eating dinner?" Jungkook looked at her with his cheeks puffed.

"You-" Hyun suddenly stood and Jungkook choked on his pastry.

"I'm sorry!" Jungkook shouted in between his coughs and ran away. Hyun scoffed and sat back.

"OH! I forgot to announce it!!" Eunji suddenly shouted after Jiyun made her sit on his lap. "I'm going to the same school as my brothers!!"


A story update after a month

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A story update after a month. Sorry-

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