Chapter #4: Day 2 / Night 2

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Adora's POV

I couldn't believe it. They said if we get voted out, we will LIVE! NOT DIE! I feel guilty for voting for Marley. I really want to survive, with Adam...

I checked the clock, it's 10:10 am. I still have plenty of time today. We still haven't ate the food Jamila prepared an hour and half ago. I hope it is still warm!

"Alright, so... who's hungry...?" - asked quetly Jamila.

"No, no, no. Stop. Before you can eat, I want to give you your journals."

The lights flickered for a second and a box, dull of notebooks with everyone's name on them. After a few minutes, I managed to find mine and Adam's. I will write something, maybe later.

Everyone sat at the table to eat. The food was delicious! Jamila is sure a good cook. I wonder if she is the Muffin Man.

I went to look around the house, to find my bedroom. By looking at the bedrooms on the ground floor's signs with names, they are in alphabetical order. So mine is on the first floor. I was climbing up the stairs, when I bumped into a girl.

"Oops, sorry!"

"It's fine, no need to apologize." - said Evelyn.

"So is there anything else, besides bedrooms there?"

"Another bathroom and oddly enough, a big closet. There are wardrobes in the rooms, so I don't know why we would also need a closet."

"Well, see ya!"

And with that, I walked away. I reached the top and saw Adam's room and mine, next to his. I opened the door and from what I saw, I couldn't really call it "the best interior". It looked decent. There was a desk with drawers and a chair, a bed, a wardrobe as Evelyn mentioned earlier, a clock and shelves on the wall. There were windows, the glass looked very thick, it's wasn't worth it trying to break it. I would die if I try to escape anyways, according to the 'host?'.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, I realised I forgot my journal downstairs and ran to get it. Luckily, I didn't fall when I was going down or upstairs. Again, I sat on my bed, opened the journal and begun to write with the pen I found in one of the drawers.

'Adora's Journal:

Entry #1

I just found my bedroom. It is on the first floor. It looks decent, very simple interior. But anyways, that's not really important. My role is Twin and my twin is Adam. When the person on the speaker was explaining about the roles, I found out more about mine. If I die, Adam dies. If I get healed (hopefully), Adam gets healed. If I receive a muffin from Jamila, he doesn't. And etc.

For final, I wanted to wish the rest of the Good team good luck and I hope we eliminate the Evil team faster...'

I closed it. I went to sleep, I was very tired after last night staying awake, wondering if I will live or not.

*~Timeskip bought to you by Cash~*

When I woke up, the first thing I did was to check the clock, only to find out it's 6 pm. Dinner may be starting soon, so I better hurry.

When I got down, almost everyone was sitting at the table. It was somehow big enough for 20 people? I guess. I have never seen such large table in my life. I washed my hands and sat down. Again, the food was delicious.

We found the TV remote under the sofa, which was good. There weren't many channels. Only news, music ones and etc. Maybe like 100.

"Guys, look what I found" - announced Tamia, while carrying a big box in their hands.

"What's inside?" - I asked.

"Movies we could watch tomorrow. It's getting kind of late now."

Yeah, it's late. 10:50 pm to be precise. I yawn.

"I am going to sleep, good night."

"Me too." - replied Adam.

"Well, good night to both of you!" - said Tamia.

I went upstairs with Adam. We said last good night to each other and entered our rooms. I fell on the bed right fell asleep.

Murderer's POV

I saw the twins and later a few other people go upstairs. The lights flickered. Very well. I also went upstairs carefully, trying not to be heard. This time, I am going to wear something dark. I remembered I had a black cloak in my wardrobe. I put it on and removed anything that could blow up my cover. I am going to kill Adam and Adora. Two birds with one stone.

I went down the kitchen to get a knife when I heard Veronica and Zahrah whispering to each other. They were near me. I opened the drawer, took the knife and closed it. Again, I ran upstairs, which is a bad idea. First will be Adam. I memorised everyone's rooms. I went and got a metal bat from my wardrobe. Then, I opened the door and went to my victim. Half-asleep, he asks:

"What are you doing here? It's late-"

I stab him in the stomach, just like I did. He screamed. Shoot, I forgot to close the door. Before he could continue, I stabbed him in the heart too, immediately ending his life.

Adora's POV

I woke up by Adam's scream. I knew something was wrong, so I left my room and found his door open. It smells weird there... Wait... Blood.


I hear the door being closed. The figure picked up an object and suddenly, I fell on the floor. My head hurts. I got hit again. I touched it and it was already bleeding. Followed by more hits, 3, 4, 5, 6... I felt very lightheaded after a few more hits. I felt my eyes closing. It was all numb now.

Jean-Claude's POV

I was in the living room with Prasiddhi when the lights flickered on again. Near the fireplace. There was a little source of light, coming from the fire. We were chatting about different topics.

"The power is back! You know what to do, go find your missing housemates."

Not even 5 minutes later, I heard a scream. We went to check it out. Adam's door was covered with bloodstains. Didn't open the door and Evelyn is already screaming.

"It can't be THAT bad."

Oh how wrong I was.


Character roles:
ADAM - Twin
ADORA - Twin

Words count of Chapter #4: 1075

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