Chapter #15: Day 8

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Murderer's POV

The lights are back on, indicating the night is over. I am still in my bedroom. Zahrah is crying out loud. I went downstairs to see her.

She has holding Veronica's body in her hands, while her make-up mixes with her tears.

"One of your housemates has passed away. Veronica had died from the Murderer. She was poisoned."

"Interesting..." - commented Prasiddhi.


"I was near the kitchen and I didn't see a silhouette of anyone carrying a bottle or a tube or etc. I will go and investigate this time. Seungho, you can come, if you want."


I decided to not join. Whatever. I went to sit on the couch, so I can listen to their conversation. At first, they weren't talking, until Prasiddhi broke the silence.

"Wait, is that a muffin?"


"It looks like the Muffin Man's one. I remember Jean showing me one he got. This one in this case, is half eaten."

"We for sure would have seen them preparing if they used bottles or etc."

"True, true. But what if they did it in their room?" - she asked.

"I haven't thought about this."

They stopped chatting for a bit. Seungho spoke.

"Are those seeds?"


"They don't look like cherry ones. Maybe apple seeds?"


'So they figured it out..'

I am going to do something on my phone ro avoid raising suspicions.

"Alright, discussion time."

We met in the living room.

"What did you find?" - I asked.

"I checked Veronica's journal a few minutes ago and I found out she was a Survivor. Nothing else." - said Ally.

Zahrah was still sobbing and watching in silence. They really have become best friends, damn.

"Well, we don't know Zahrah's role yet, perhaps, she could have killed her to not be suspicious at all?" - theorised Jean-Claude. I am going to play along.

"Plus, I saw her going to the kitchen." - I added. Prasiddhi furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well, weren't you up in your room?"

"I was thirsty and I wanted to get a drink, but I saw 2 people in the kitchen, so I decided not to and returned." - I lied. I want them to believe it. "I think one of the silhouettes had long hair and the other one had a bun-?"

"What, YOU THINK I KILLED HER?!" - yelled Zahrah.

"You were near her." - stated Jean-Claude.


"Voting time."

Those ten minutes are useless at this point. Everyone already knows who to vote. In this case, it's Zahrah. I succeeded this time.

*~After the voting~*

"Unfortunately, Zahrah has all the votes."

She broke down crying. She placed her journal on the table and left for the Door of Shame (stupid name) and closed it. Again, loud sudden noise and sound of someone falling.

Ally went to get her journal. She starred for a bit and said:

"Guys, we voted out a Survivor..."

Shame for them I guess. This is what they get for voting out Liling and Rosalie.


Character roles:
VERONICA - Survivor
ZAHRAH - Survivor

Words count of Chapter #15: 518

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