Chapter #5: Day 3

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Prasiddhi's POV

As I was talking with Jean-Claude, the lights flickered on again.

"The power is back! You know what to do, go find your missing housemates."

All of a sudden, I heard a feminine scream.

We went to check it out. It's that Evelyn girl. Apparently, she saw the door and almost fainted.

"It can't be THAT bad." - said Jean-Claude with crossed arms.

I didn't even hesitate to open it. The view was horrifying - Adora, lying on the floor dead, with her head bleeding and next to her a bloodied metal bat. Adam was on his bed, also covered in blood, but with stab wounds.

"Oh boy...." - I whispered.

*~Third timeskip, bought to you by Cactus~*

"Time to investigate! You have 2 hours."

"So who will investigate this time?"

Only Seungho, Ally and Evelyn raised hands. I don't want to look at dead bodies anymore, let alone 2 of them.

I went to my room to get some sleep. Before that, I looked around it. I opened one of the drawers and found the bloodied scissors from yesterday.

'So Marley hid them in my room... But why? I will tell Seungho later, I feel like I can trust him and maybe, he is good.'

One of the drawers was half open, mysteriously.

'Eh, whatever. I am going to write something in my journal.'

I opened it and began to write:

'Hello guys. If you are reading this, I am probably dead. Kind of pessimistic start of the journal, I know. Anyways, my role is ##### and so far (day 3), I haven't really done anything. Jean told me his role, I won't reveal it, because he wants me to keep it a secret.'

I closed it after I finished the last sentence.

"Only 15 minutes left until it's time to discuss!"

I hope we will find the murderer as soon as possible.

I left my room and here is what I saw:

- Rosalie and Nikolai arguing (again), after they broke their record which was exactlty 16 hours without arguing;

- Alab, trying to calm them down;

- Tamia, Colleen, Jamila and Jean-Claude watching movies. I have no idea where they found them;

- Liling, Lassi, Veronica and Zahrah playing cards, which I also don't know where they are from.

"Everyone, please meet in the living room. You have 1 hour to discuss who might be evil."

Sigh. I was already there, so I had to wait a bit for the rest.

"Did anyone find anything useful-?"

"We couldn't find the weapon that caused Adam's death, but Adora was killed with a metal bat. She was hit several times in the head." - said Ally. "Adam was stabbed less times than Vinny, again the stomach and the guts. Here is Adora's journal, it was in her room by the way."

I grabbed it and read out loud:

"Adora's Journal:

Entry #1

I just found my bedroom. It is on the first floor. It looks decent, very simple interior. But anyways, that's not really important. My role is Twin and my twin is Adam. When the person on the speaker was explaining about the roles, I found out more about mine. If I die, Adam dies. If I get healed (hopefully), Adam gets healed. If I receive a muffin from Jamila, he doesn't. And etc.

For final, I wanted to wish the rest of the Good team good luck and I hope we eliminate the Evil team faster..." Wow, she really was a twin.

"So she was twins with Adam? Anyways, I checked if the murderer has cleaned themselves in the bathroom on the first floor and no traces were found." - quietly said Evelyn. Why so quiet all of a sudden?

"I heard someone going downstairs and then upstairs that night and before that, opening one of the kitchen drawers." - added Veronica.

"So the murderer was upstairs? That means anyone who was upstairs right before the lights flickered is a suspect!"

"Colleen, Jean-Claude, Grace, Seungho, Lassi, Cody, Alab and someone who I don't remember were upstairs I think." - said Evelyn. I last saw her downstairs and then I don't know where she went. Her room is definitely upstairs.

"Well, try to remember who it was."

"It can't be me, because I was witched! I couldn't check anyone." - I heard Cody say. "The Murderer or Assassin can't be witched, so I am not any of those"

"There is still chance you are evil."

"Guys, Colleen is Evil. I checked her last night and by the way, Ally is Good." - announced Alab.


"Then why does it say you are? Don't lie."

"I am siding with Alab, he is a psychic." - said Lassi.

"You will regret it if you vote me..."

"You are not the Clown, so you can't say that."

They continued to argue. I don't know who I should believe.

"You have 10 minutes to think who you are going to vote for."

I am not sure if Alab is the Good team's Psychic, so I will go with them.

*~After voting~*

"The person with most votes is Colleen. Please walk out of the open door."

"I told you, I am a survivor! Alab is lying!"

She placed her journal on the table and walked out. Seconds later, a gunshot echoed throughout the room. Lassi opened her journal.

"It's blank!"

"Wow, so helpful!" - said Zahrah sarcastically, while clapping.


Character roles:
COLLEEN - Survivor

Words count of Chapter #5: 904

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