Chapter #9: Night 4 / Day 5

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Assassin's POV

I met with the Murderer in private to discuss what will be our next move.

"You should take out Prasiddhi. She was Medic and might use self-heal. I won't be able to kill her if she does it. So that's why you better kill her, your attacks are unstoppable."

"Alright, understandable. Who are you going to kill?" - I asked.

"That Cody kid. He is probably Psychic. Remember when he said he was witched and said he can't check someone?"

"Why not Alab?"

"Alab for later. If we also kill the Savior, then there would be a really big chance for us to win. Unless, of course, I or you don't get voted out. If you hear anything about 'Savior' or 'Detective', tell me."

"Hmm... Where will you hide the body when you finish and more importantly, how will you kill him?"

"Oh, I have an idea. Bloody, but original."

"By the way, where is she?"

"I heard her saying she is going to explore. Apparently, she found a door to some kind of a basement, but I saw her in the living room last time, sitting on the sofa. Is Cody in his room?"


"Okay, meet me later in my room."

"Good luck." - I wished.

"Some to you!"

I walked away. I saw her silhouette, still sitting. But before that, I will have to knock her out. I will need something heavy or sharp.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed the nearest jar. It was surprisingly big. I filled it with water to make it heavier, but also to trick people into thinking I am getting a drink. I returned to the target and knocked her out by hitting her on the head. Then, I dragged her all the way up to the first floor's closet. I had picked up the glass shards from the now broken jar. Some of them were real big.

I sliced her throat and then stabbed her in the guts. The murderer always likes doing it, for some reasons. I waited a few minutes and checked if she had pulse. No pulse. I closed the closet's door as quietly, as possible and went downstairs in my room. I heard Cody's scream. I ignored it, knowing what's going on.

I turned on the lamp (for some reasons, the Murderer also can turn on the lamp in their room) and saw that I had bloodstains on my sleeves. The power went back on. Shit. Shit. Shit. I don't have time to clean it off.

"The lights are back on! Two people are missing."


I turned around and saw Nikolai pointing at the TV.

"Uh oh. Looks like Cody died from the Murderer. His head was shoved inside the TV."

"FIRST, 2 DEAD PEOPLE, AND NOW NO TV?! I AM DONE!" - ranted Tamia.

"Let's search for the other person then?" I suggested?"

After solid 20 minutes of searching (I know where the body is, so I just pretend to be searching.), I heard Veronica screaming. Gosh, that girl should sign up for "The Voice: Greece"! Just imagine her hitting the high notes! The juries would love her.


A few others and I ran to her. In front of her, we saw Prasiddhi's dead body.

"Prasiddhi died from the Assassin. She was knocked unconscious and bleeded to death from a throat injury. Both of their journals were found."

I went downstairs to see Cody's journal, along with the Murderer, Seungho and Alab. Seungho read out loud:

"Cody's Journal

I got a cool role! So far, I found out these things:

Night 1:
Tamia is Good.

Night 2:
I was witched. Fuck you.

Night 3:
Liling is Evil. Huh?"

It was now very quiet. The only thing that can be heard is Alab's pen touching the pages of his journal. I saw Alab writing down the information.

"Alright.... Ummmm........ Should we call the others?"


"I will just and call them here."

I was too stunned to answer. No. No. No. No. This can't be happening...

*~Timeskip to the discussion brought to you by Kim-Ly~*

"So what did you find?" - asked Zahrah.

"Cody was Psychic, we don't know good or evil. Tamia is Good and Liling is... Evil."

"I-I'm not evil! He is lying!" I decided to defend myself. I don't want to die.

"Care to explain why you visited Prasiddhi then?" - asked Nikolai.

"Huh? I was in the living room and then went to my room? HOW COULD I KILL HER IF I WASN'T NEAR HER?!"

"I was with Liling most of the time. It can't be her." - said the Murderer. Well, at least they tried to defend me.

"Key word 'most'. She might have went and killed her when she wasn't near you!" - he continued.

"I refuse to believe she is evil!" Wow, what a good act.






"YES, YOU ARE. You have bloodstains on your sleeves for God's sake!"

I thought no one would notice.

"...." "That's juice, I went and got a juice from the fridge?"

"Lies, lies, lies! There isn't any red juice in the kitchen!" - added Ally.

"Oh well..."

"Time to vote."

Well, my last moments of my life. I just wanted to meet Minji! Not end up in a killing game! Everyone is going to vote for me... I don't know what I feel any more. Am I mad? Am I sad? I have no idea.

It is my time to vote. I didn't knew who else's name to write, so I wrote the Murderer's. After Zahrah voted, the box disappeared?

"I counted the votes. The majority has voted for Liling. I'm sorry."

Tears started to run on my cheeks.

"It was nice meeting you all."

I left my journal on the dining table. I walked to the Door of Shame and closed it. I managed to look around for a second or two. It's day outside. There is a girl pointing gun at me. Her black hair reminded me of Minji. I hope my best friend is okay. I heard a loud gunshot. That was the last thing I heard, before I closed my eyes, after I dropped on the grass.


Character roles:
CODY - Psychic (???? team)
LILING - Assassin

Words count of Chapter #9: 1070

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