Chapter #13: Day 7

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Tamia's POV

"I will announce the victims. Nikolai died from the Murderer. He fell down the stairs. Alab died from the Clown. He was ripped appart and stuffed in the sink."

I was in the basement. So, that's.... Nikolai's body? But he was alive just a few hours ago!

I saw Nikolai's journal and picked it up. I make my way back upstairs. I sighed.

'When will this end?'

I see the others already discussing.

"Did I miss anything important?" - I asked.

"We are just looking through Alab's journal. Here, take a look."

'Alab's journal

I'm Psychic. The Good team's one, don't worry.

Adam - twin [DECEASED]

Adora - twin [DECEASED]

Alab (me) - psychic


Colleen - survivor [DECEASED]

Cody - dark psychic? [DECEASED]


Grace - clown [DECEASED]

Jamila - muffin man [DECEASED]

Jean-Claude - savior

Liling - assassin [DECEASED]

Lassi - not clown? [DECEASED]

Marley - survivor? maybe? [DECEASED]

Nikolai - spy or scout

Prasiddhi - medic [DECEASED] [REVIVED]





Vinny - survivor [DECEASED]


Zahrah is Good.

Colleen is Good.

Tamia is Good.

Lassi is Good.

Evelyn is Good.

Oh come on, not a single evil :/ '

"By the way, I found Nikolai's when I was down.

Nikolai's Journal

I'm Spy.

Night 1: Rosalie was visited by no one.

Night 2: Evelyn was visited by: Rosalie.

Night 3: Tamia was visited by: Alab.

Night 4: Jean-Claude was visited by: Prasiddhi.

Night 5: Ally was visited by no one.

Night 6:

People I think are suspicious: Alab, Cody, Evelyn (just feels like that), Lassi, Rosalie.

By the way, Rosalie is most likely Scout. Don't believe a word if she claims she is the Spy."

I looked at Rosalie. She was sweating a lot.

"I am the Spy!" - she defended. She sounds very unsure. I don't really believe her.

"I don't know who to believe anymore. I will go and check Nikolai's body. But there is one problem: it's really dark down there." - said Seungho.

"I found lanterns a few days ago if that could work..." - Evelyn replied.

"Alright, let's go." - he said.

I decided to stay here. I decided to look at the photos on the fireplace. I've never got the chance to see them closely.

On the first photo, there was a girl, looking to be around 10 years old. She had black hair and dark brown eyes. She was smiling.

On the second photo was the same girl, this time older. There was another girl with her. The first girl (from the previous picture) looked to be at least adult. She had her black hair tied in a wide ponytail and was wearing a red shirt. The other girl, who seemed to be younger, had black braids and white tank top. They were smiling.

'Maybe they were friends?'

And there was a third photo. The same girl, which appeared on the other 2 photos. In the background, it was a room, which looked like the room I am in right now.

'So.... This is her house?'

I went to the shelves and picked a random book. I sat down on the sofa and started to read.

*~Timeskip bought to you by Mike~*

"Discussion time." The voice was female. It sounded that she was annoyed at this point.

"Anything useful?" - I asked.

"Not really, besides that we were lied to again. Nikolai didn't die from falling. There glass shards on his head." - explained Prasiddhi. "I can't say anything about the Murderer's identity for now."

"I think we should vote Rosalie. Topic closed." - said Ally.

"Do you have any proof?"

"It's quite obvious you are evil. From a few kilometers away. Now topic closed."

No knew what to say.

"Let the voting begin."

I voted for Rosalie. And maybe so did everyone else. It was just getting very boring and tiring.

"Rosalie, you're out. Say your final goodbyes."

"I hate you all! I just wanted to win!"

She tossed her journal on the table and angrily left. Once again, she was also shot.

Veronica decided to read the journal this time.

"Rosalie's journal

I'm Scout. You got me. Nikolai sucks. He is pain in my ass.

Vinny was visited by: [scribbled out name].

Evelyn was visited by: Nikolai.

Seungho was visited by: [scribbled out name], Prasiddhi

Alab was visited by no one.

Prasiddhi was visited by: Liling.

Jean-Claude was visited by no one.

Seungho was visited by no one."

"Did they really scribble out the Murderer's name? That's pathetic." - commented Evelyn.


Character roles:
ALAB - Psychic (??? team)

Words count of Chapter #13: 735

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