Chapter seven: The Four men (unedited)

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As the Four men jumps in front of them, Juliet takes a few steps to be behind Ryan,

'who are they?, what do they want?, and for heaven sake, how did they suddenly jumped to be in front of us? ' all of these questions start hitting Juliet's mind, like if her mind was a pinata, and the questions were the hitting stick in that kid's hand, and the these questions needed an answers, like that kid needed his sweets, but there was no way these answers to be figure out, Especially when Juliet's mind stop working, that mean there were no sweets in that pinata.

And there was another question that start kicking her curious-self, why did she get herself into this?, she could've wait until tomorrow and asks him whatever she wanted to.

"Hey! Look what we got here!" one of them says, obviously he was taking about Ryan, he was a long and very very skinny one, that if you want you can make him fly in the air as a kite, and he would be a good kite actually.

Ryan's face expression stones even more than it already was in the first place, even though it wasn't long ago since he moved to America, but in that short time, he get to know how the vampires minds works in here, luckily for him, his own mind was good enough to work very well and figure out how to deal with all kind of situations that he get him-self in, and usually it end up very well for his own sake, he didn't make a single move, as he look at each one of them.

Then, Juliet notice a smile goes up to an other vampire face , he was ugly-with-belly man in a Red T-shirt, as he takes three steps forward making his fat cheeks goes up and down in a very weird-funny way "Hoho hoo!" He laughs like Santa Claus,"And look right there, he got a sweetie next to him" pointing at Juliet.

Juliet hold her hand on her chest were her heart was beating so laud, 'He don't look like his a good Santa, 'cause Santa never asks for sweets, instead, he gives some' , she thought, 'oh no, for sure not a good Santa at all.'

the way he points at her, makes her heart drop out of her chest; because of fear, which makes her takes an other few steps to get even closer to Ryan, like a scared little kitten, but he didn't allow for her to get any closer as he take -the same number of the steps she had taken- but away to the side.

"What do you want?" Ryan asks them, but he didn't really care about what they want, because all what was going through his mind was:
That since the morning, he didn't have a break of the announce stuffs,

First that Blondie cow ,And now he got not only an other annoying cow , But four of them, which makes it five annoying cows in one day, that was too much to be come-on-just-over-look-at-it, what he has done to be punished in this horrible way.

Then, the other one, who have a face like a horse, (but Ryan was seeing him as a cow), takes the speech, "well we were going to kill you, but, after seeing this beauty, we will let you go, but______after you let us have your girlfriend, you know" , then he leaks his lips, getting himself ready for some sweet blood "she looks tasty" he says.

Ryan blinks twice at him, then he puts his hands in his pockets, stare up at the clear blue sky and start to think about what that fellow said,

so i got two things either to do:

a) i pick up a fight for a girl that i only met a few hours ago, save her, and in the end she will annoys me for the rest of my life, Or

B) i can make them take her, and peacefully i return to my home and live a happily ever after....

he thought,

And after a whole 3 sec of very deep thinking............he finally makes up his mind, he look up at the vampire, give him a very fake smile, then he says"If you wants her than you have to________________take her" as his smile reaches out till his ears "i don't care, and she isn't my girlfriend".

Juliet looks up at him, with an expression on her face designed with a big shock, as if she eat instead of chocolate something else (that comes out from your butt, but don't say what it is.....),

"Wait....What?" , did he just say that he is going to leave her, here, with those killers? "You CAN'T leave me here!" she screamer.

Ryan look back at her, "and why i CAN'T leave you here? I just met you and i don't care about what is going to happen to you" he snaps.

"Because- hmm" 'oh my god, come on Juliet,' she thought to herself, 'think of something' ," beca-, because they look like they're going to kill me, and i die you'll get into some really big trouble" Aha! finally something get out from her brain.

"And why I'm going to be in a trouble?".

"Because my friend knows that I've followed you,and when i die, she will tell them what she knows, and she will tell them that i was with you in the last moments of my life too, So they will start questioning you about me , and in no time you might go into some kind of a jail, and trust me you will deserve it if you let me die here, i mean I'm just too young to die don't you think so?, anyway, do you want to live like this, or you can easily skip and avoid all of this right now and.. it's up to you" .

Ryan blink in wonder 'how can she say all of that without a one single break?' , but then he moves his gaze away thinking about what she says, she was -somehow- right, they will do what she says, he moves his eyes to look back at her "you are a trouble maker, aren't you?" He asks.

"Well....No, I'm usually not" she answers with a small smile on her lips.

"Sorry guys can't let you have her for now as you can see" he turn back to face them again.

"Then unfortunately both of you won't get out of here alive" he warns them.

Ryan smiles at them, as if he knew very well what he should do, but as for Juliet, All what was going through her head was a blank thoughts, she was in horror that helps her to think no more.

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