Chapter Three

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Eleanor coughed as she crawled onto the beach. She felt as if she had been flung in every direction under the waves and had swallowed at least half of the sea as she dragged herself onto the shore. Elizabeth was not too far away from her, stumbling and coughing as well. When it appeared all of the sea water was out of her lungs, Eleanor stood to her feet and looked around. Will had stumbled to help Elizabeth to her feet, Barbossa was grinning from ear to ear, and Tia Dalma looked like the waves had gently pushed her to the beach.

Gibbs grumbled, looking at the barren landscape, "This is truly a godforsaken place."

"How on earth are we going to find Jack here?" Eleanor stated, straining her eyes to see beyond the sandy bank.

"He's here," Barbossa said. "Davy Jones never once gave up what he took."

Tia grinned, stroking a crab, "Witty Jack is closer than you think." Eleanor frowned at this crazy woman. Who the hell just makes a crab pet?

Suddenly, as if she's conjured him, she turned around and they all followed her gaze. Low and behold, Jack was on top of the Black Pearl's mast gliding over the top of a sand dune before crashing into the water. Hundreds of crabs had been pushing the boat along the sand and they all scuttered and dispersed once it hit the water.

"Impossible," Tai Huang muttered.

"Boat," Ragetti stated stupidly.

Gibbs shook his head, "Slap me thrice and hand me to me momma, it's Jack!"

Eleanor couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at the sight of the man she loved. But just as quickly she found herself peering at Elizabeth to see what her reaction was. Her sister had a small smile that soon faded to one of guilt or regret. She looked around warily. Eleanor looked back at Jack to see him striding towards them.

"It's the captain!" Pintel shouted.

Jack finally reached their group and Gibbs stepped forwards. "A sight for sore eyes! Jack!"

"Mr Gibbs!" Jack stated, turning towards his old friend. He peered at him and Eleanor could tell that there was something slightly off about him.

"Aye, Captain."

"I thought so. I expect you can account for your actions, then?"

Gibbs frowned in confusion, "Sir?"

Jack continued on as if there had been no time apart from the crew. "There has been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline aboard my vessel! Why is that, sir?"

Gibbs looked at the group, "You're in Davy Jones' locker, Captain."

"I know that," Jack snapped. "I know where I am, and don't think I don't." He looked around at the group then, focusing in on some people.

"Jack," Eleanor said, stepping forwards. She felt her eyes start to tear up and feelings of joy flutter in her heart. She tried to push that sinking feeling of betrayal from her mind, at least for this reunion. Jack looked towards her, a small smile starting on his face. He moved towards Eleanor but Barbossa cut him off. "Jack Sparrow."

"Ah, Hector," Jack said, grimacing. "It's been too long, hasn't it?"

"Aye," Barbossa grumbled, "Isla de Muerta, remember? You shot me."

"No I didn't," Jack said, taking a step away from Barbossa and continuing to look at the crew before him. He winked at Tia. "Ah, Tia Dalma, out and about, eh? You lend an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium."

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