Chapter Six

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The ship docked on a little island to stock up on freshwater and the various supplies that had been washed away during the tipping. Eleanor scrunched up her nose as she surveyed the dead kraken that had washed ashore. To think this mighty beast had only been terrorising them a couple weeks ago. Jack, Barbossa and some of the crew had gone onto the island to attempt to search for fresh water, leaving Eleanor and Elizabeth on board with Will and the rest of the crew. Eleanor had opted to plan their course from the island to Ship Wreck cove, the site of the Brethren Court's meeting when she heard yelling and shouting coming from abovedeck. When Eleanor emerged she was immediately intercepted by Singaporian crew who dragged her before Sao Feng. Elizabeth was also being held tightly beside her. Sao Feng gave them both a gruesome smile. "It is lovely to see you both again." His eyes skirted up and down the girls. "However, I liked you both better at the bathhouse." Eleanor spat at the ground. Sao Feng only laughed at her.

When Jack and Barbossa eventually made their way back onto the Black Pearl's deck, the rest of Tai Huang's crew had their pistols trained at their back. Jack surveyed the ship, his eyes landing on where Eleanor was being roughly held. Jack did not look pleased.

Barbossa grumbled, "Sao Feng, you showing up here, 'tis truly a remarkable coincidence."

Sao Feng smiled, showing his rotted teeth. He moved towards Jack. "Jack Sparrow," he spat out, "you paid me great insult once." Eleanor nearly faced palmed – what hadn't Jack done to insult someone.

"That doesn't sound like me," Jack said, looking around himself. Sao Feng suddenly sprang forwards and punched Jack on the nose. Eleanor gasped. "Shall we just call it square, then?" Jack quipped. Sometimes Eleanor wished Jack would just shut up for his own good.

Will stepped forwards, he nodded towards Elizabeth and Eleanor, "Release them. They weren't apart of the bargain." Eleanor shook her head, sighing. Of course why didn't she notice Will was the only crew member not surrounded by guns. He must have snuck a deal with Sao Feng back at the bathhouse. Elizabeth looked aghast – at least it proved Will and her were perfect for each other with their little secrets.

"And what bargain be that?" Barbossa growled, his eyes snapping onto Will.

Sao Feng nodded towards the men guarding Eleanor and Elizabeth, "You heard Captain Turner. Release them."

"Captain Turner?" Eleanor and Jack sputtered out simultaneously.

Gibbs growled from where he stood with the crew. "Aye, the perfidious rotter led a mutiny against us!"

Will shook his head, "I need the Pearl to free my father. That's the only reason I came on this voyage."

"Why didn't you tell me you were planning this?" Elizabeth cried out.

Will looked at her, sadness lining his face. "It was my burden to bear."

"He needs the Pearl!" Jack laughed. "Captain Turner needs the Pearl! And you felt guilty." Jack shook his head, there was a manic light in his eyes that Eleanor knew would get him in trouble. "And you and your Brethren Court! Did no one come to save me just because they missed me?" Most of the crew rolled their eyes at Jack. Eleanor crossed her arms and stared at him. He gave her a little wink. He pointed to where Gibbs stood, one hand raised. "I'm standing over there with them."

Sao Feng held out an arm, not letting Jack get past. "I'm sorry Jack, but there's an old friend who wants to see you first."

"I'm not certain I can survive any more visits from old friends," Jack admitted.

"Here's your chance to find out." Some of Sao Feng's crew led Jack off of the Black Pearl. Eleanor tried to step towards him but was again held back. She watched his head disappear over the side, his eyes catching hers for a moment before disappearing. She had a bad feeling in her gut she may not see him for a while. She didn't think she would be able to suffer through another death.

Sao Feng, Mercer, and Will stood huddled together chatting about the crew and running of the Black Pearl. Eleanor and Elizabeth stood together with the rest of the crew. "I can't believe him," Elizabeth muttered. "How could he do this?"

Eleanor scoffed, "You can't really be that surprised." She raised an eyebrow at her sister, "This is exactly what you do all the time as well. I have a feeling this won't be the last time someone stabs someone else in the back. We have a war to win against Beckett and his East India Trading Company. You can't win that without a little bit of trickery."

Elizabeth pondered this for a moment, pursing her lips. She opened her mouth to say something when Sao Feng's raised voice cut through. "Beckett agreed the Black Pearl was to be mine."

Mercer grinned, "Lord Beckett's not going to give up the only ship that can outrun the Dutchman, now is he?" Sao Feng looked like he was going to tackle Mercer to the deck. Mercer gave them one last grin before disembarking from the ship.

"It's a shame," Barbossa's voice carried towards Sao Feng, "they're not bound to honor the Code of the Brethren , aint it? Because honor's a hard thing to come by nowadays."

Sao Feng growled, "There's no honor in remaining with the losing side. Leaving it for the winning side, that's just good business."

Barbossa raised a brow, "The losing side, you say?"

"They have the Dutchman, now the Pearl. And what do the Brethren have?"

It looked like someone had just passed Barbossa a christmas present. His smile widened as he said, "We have Calypso."

Sao Feng was shocked for a moment in disbelief. "Hah, Calypso! An old legend!"

"No," Barbossa shook his head. "The goddess herself, bound in human form." Sao Feng's eyes glanced towards Eleanor and Elizabeth. Eleanor knew that wasn't a good sign. "I intend to release her, but for that I need the court, all of the court." Barbossa grabbed onto Sao Feng's necklace.

Sao Feng pondered this for a moment, his eyes constantly flicking between Eleanor and Elizabeth. "What are you proposing, Captain?"

"What be accepted, Captain?"

"The girls."

"What?" Elizabeth cried out. Eleanor frowned.

Will stepped forwards, anger lining his features. "Elizabeth and Eleanor aren't apart of the bargain!"

Barbossa shook his head, "Out of the question."

"It was not a question," Sao Feng stated. Sao Feng's crew rushed forward to grab onto the Swann Sisters again.

"Done," Eleanor said. Elizabeth nodded her head.

Will looked like he had been slapped. "What? Not done!"

"You got us into this mess!" Elizabeth shouted. "If this is what frees us, then done!"

"Elizabeth," Will shouted, "They're pirates!"

"I've had more than enough experience dealing with pirates," Elizabeth countered.

"I would count myself a pirate now," Eleanor added. The girls both pushed past Will and stood beside Sao Feng.

Barbossa grinned, like he had planned this the entire time. "So we have an accord?"

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