Chapter Seven

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Eleanor stood beside Elizabeth within Sao Feng's personal quarters. It was surprisingly lavish, especially compared to the Black Pearl's, with plush cushions and embellished rugs. Antique lamps hung like chandeliers around the room, giving the room a soft glow. The two sisters had been dressed in ornate cultural dress with headpieces that dripped with gemstones – Eleanor felt one tickling the side of her neck. Sao Feng paced before them both, his face full of untamed delight.

"By this time tomorrow we will arrive at Shipwreck Cove, and you will be free," his eyes scanned between the girls. "Calypso..." He appeared to be waiting for a certain response.

"Excuse me?" Elizabeth said. His eyes latched onto her, as if attempting to drink her in.

He sighed, his eyes brightening further. "I thought it might be," he muttered to himself. He stepped closer to Elizabeth, who had her back pressed against a wooden pole. "Not the name you fancy, I imagine, out of the many that you have. But it is what we call you."

Eleanor looked between Sao Feng and Elizabeth, silently wishing her sister to play along. It appeared that whatever delusion Sao Feng had in his head regarding Calypso, it was the only thing keeping them valuable whilst on this ship. "We being who?" Elizabeth asked, her face taking on an arrogant façade.

"You confirm it," Soa Feng said in delight. His eyes ravishing Elizabeth's.

"Confirm what," Elizabeth continued. "You have told us nothing."

"The Brethren Court, not I, the first Brethren Court, whose position I would have opposed," Sao Feng explained, "bound you to human form, so the rule of the seas would belong to men and not –"

"-Me," Elizabeth cut in.

Sao Feng appeared to be in ecstasy at her words, stepping even closer to Elizabeth. Suddenly he called out to his first mate, Tai Haung, who entered with two other crew members. Without looking at Eleanor, he said, "Take that one to the brig. We have little use for her now." Tai Haung gripped onto Eleanor's arm and started dragging her out of the room. Elizabeth shot her a look of alarm.

"I will be alright, Calypso," Eleanor said, bowing her head. "I am your loving handmaiden."

Sao Feng nodded, "I assure you, Calypso, no harm will come to her." He connected eyes with his crew who all gave him a nod. "I simply wish to talk with private," he whispered into Elizabeth's ear. Elizabeth gulped but gave a curt nod. Eleanor could only watch as she was lead away and the captain's door was closed behind her. The crew took her through the ship and towards the brig. Before they reached Eleanor's cell, the ship was rocked with cannon fire. Eleanor fell to the ground as cannon ripped through the side of the ship, knocking one of Sao Feng's crew to the side.

Eleanor grumbled, "All these bloody cannons," before springing to her feet. Tai Huang didn't hang around to secure her, instead running up to the deck. Eleanor chased after him, her only thoughts of Elizabeth and ensuring she was safe. "Eliza!" she yelled. Her shouts were drowned out by the deafening booms of cannons. When she reached the deck, Eleanor only had to look around to see that the East India Trading Company had finally caught up to them. "Bloody hell..." Eleanor stormed into Sao Feng's cabin to find it was in splinters. Tai Huang was already talking with Elizabeth, who was crouched over the captain's body, a massive wooden chunk speared through his chest.

"He made me captain," she whispered. Eleanor helped her up to her feet and they both stumbled out of the cabin.

"You are not my captain," Tai Huang muttered, before all three were grabbed by East India Trading Company guards. Compared to the dirty splattered and smelly crew of Sao Feng, the guards pristine navy jackets and white pants stood out considerably.

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