Chapter Nine

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 Eleanor held onto Jack's hand as they overlooked the water. They could see the Endeavor appearing from the mist. "When I longed for adventure," Eleanor said, her eyes trained ahead, "I never really thought I would be constantly having to fight for my life."

Jack pulled her towards him, snaking his arms over his waist. He gave her a small kiss on the temple. "That's what makes it more fun. The constant will I, wont I of death."

Eleanor gave a little chuckle, "If you say so, Sparrow." She leaned up and pressed her lips to his. When she pulled away Jack smirked at her. "Be careful, Jack."

"I'm always careful."

Eleanor gripped onto him tighter. "Promise me." She looked hard into Jack's eyes. "I don't want to lose you." She breathed out, "I love you, Jack Sparrow."

Jack smiled at her, brushing a stray curl of hair from her face. "And I, you love."

Eleanor walked beside Jack and Elizabeth as they crossed the sand towards where Will, Davy Jones, and Lord Cutler Beckett stood. Davy Jones was standing in a bucket of water, glowering towards them. Barbossa was beside Elizabeth and glared towards Will. "You be the cur that led these wolves to our door."

"Don't blame Turner," Lord Beckett cut through, his voice ringing through the air. Eleanor noticed him staring towards her, looking her up and down, "He was merely the tool of your betrayal. If you wish to see its grand architect, look to your left."

They all turned their heads towards Jack, Eleanor rolling her eyes, as Jack also looked to the left. He gave a startled glance towards those gathered. He held up his hands. "My hands are clean in this...figuratively."

Will gave a nod, "My actions were my own and to my own purpose. Jack had nothing to do with it."

"Well spoken," Jack pointed, "listen to the tool."

Eleanor could feel Elizabeth tensing beside her. Eleanor knew her sister would be having very mixed feelings regarding her dear William. She called out to her fiancé, "Will, I've been aboard the Dutchman, I understand the burden you bear, but I fear that cause is lost."

"No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it," Will replied. Eleanor rolled her eyes...boys.

Beckett's voice fought against the crash of the waves. "If Turner was not acting on your behalf, then how did he come to give me this?" Beckett held up Jack's compass. Eleanor whipped her head around to look at Jack who just gave a sheepish grin. "You made a deal with me, Jack, deliver the pirates, and here they are." Jack sucked on his tongue. "Don't be bashful, step up, claim your reward." He tossed Jack the compass.

"Your debt to me is still to be satisfied," Davy Jones drawled. "One hundred years in service aboard the Dutchman. As a start."

Jack paled slightly but still spoke with his usual swagger. Eleanor felt her heart constrict in fear of losing him. "That debt was paid, mate, with," he motioned towards Elizabeth, "help."

"You escaped!" Davy Jones growled.

"Technically..." Jack started before Elizabeth interrupted.

"I propose an exchange. Will leaves with us, and you can take Jack."

"What?" Eleanor yelled, turning towards her sister.

"Done," Will said.

"Undone," Jack called.

"Done," Beckett agreed.

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