Chapter Twelve

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Eleanor spun around to see that Jack was holding a heart in one hand and his own snapped sword in the other. This sword was poised just above the heart ready to pierce it. Jones eyes widened as he too spied this. The chest lay at Jack's feet, open and completely empty. Eleanor hardly dared to breath.

Eleanor could see that Elizabeth had let out a sigh of relief, but a deep seeded dread had filled her own stomach. Jack may have appeared at the right time, but something told her he may have just crossed a line with Jones.

Jack grinned at Jones. "Heady tonic, holding life and death in the palm of one's hand."

"You're a cruel man, Jack Sparrow," Jones spat, a deep scowl etched into his face.

Jack's expression turned serious. "Cruel is a matter of perspective."

"Is it?" Jones goaded. Without warning, Jones spun around and plunged his sword into Will's chest. Will gave a cry of pain and Elizabeth gasped. Eleanor ran forwards, the spell holding her in place seemingly broken. Jack had a face of complete shock, having not factored this move into his 'glorious' plan. Jones smiled, delighting in Will's pain as he continued to push the sword down and twist it. He chuckled, looking back up at Jack's pained face. Eleanor knew this had thrown a spanner into Jack's plan and the pirate captain now had a major decision to make.

Save his friend or stab the heart himself?

Elizabeth reached Will, Eleanor hovering over her shoulder. She shook Will's shoulders. "Will?" She cupped his face in her hands, tears mixing with the rain sliding down her face. "Look at me!" her voice broke. "Stay with me! You're alright!"

Feeling numb and shocked, Eleanor looked up at Jack. His face was full of grief and indecision. Bootstrap looked at the knife that was still plunged into the rail beside his head. The screams of Elizabeth appeared to knock something back in place within his mind. "William?" he whispered. "My son." With a yell, Bootstrap launched himself towards Jones. This seemed to give Jack the distraction he was after. He stared down at the heart in his hand, eyes pained as he attempted to make up his mind. Bootstrap fought Jones with a new sense of anger, landing a few good hits before Jones started to get the upper hand again.

"Will? Will?" Elizabeth cried, her voice getting higher as she became more panicked. "Look at me...Look at me!" Eleanor crouched down beside her sister, staring into Will's eyes fluttered.

Jones yelled, pinning Bootstrap down, "You will not forestall my judgement." He raised his sword ready to kill Bootstrap. He froze mid swing, gasping and curling in on himself. He turned to see that Jack was crouched beside Will, Eleanor and Elizabeth, his own hand wrapped around Will's holding his snapped sword through the heart.

Eleanor connected eyes with Jack before they both turned to see Jones gasp again, staggering forwards. He whispered, "Calypso," before stumbling backwards and falling overboard into the centre of the maelstrom below.

The ship shuddered underneath Eleanor's feet. "We need to get back to the Pearl," she yelled. Elizabeth shook her head, gripping onto Will with all her strength. Eleanor crouched beside her sister. Will's head lolled to the side and there was no rise or fall of his chest. She chocked back her own sob as she placed a gentle hand on her sister's shoulder. "Eliza, he's gone." She took a deep breath. "I am so sorry. But we need to"

Elizabeth shook her head. "No."


She continued to shake her head, digging her fingers further around Will's arms. "No."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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