Chapter Eleven

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Jack frantically continued parrying with Davy Jones on the Dutchman. The sheer skill of balancing on the mast was surprising even Jack himself, who wanted more than anything to stop himself from plummeting to his death below. Jack held the chest in one hand and a sword in the other, managing to fend Davy Jones off as the wind buffeted his face.

Jack stabbed at Jones's feet, whilst the tentacled man twisted his own sword, bringing it up in front of their faces. Their blades interlocked forming an 'X'. Jones's eyes were full of hatred. "You can do nothing without the key," he hissed in Jack's face.

"I already have the key," Jack said confidently, praying that Jones would follow his lead and the trick would work.

It appeared that Jones had been fooled, even for just a second. He paused before a smirk slipped across his disgusting face. "No, you don't." From within his tentacle beard he pulled out a the key.

Jack gave a dramatic look. "Oh, that key." As quick as a flash, he unhooked the sword from Jones's own blade and started to parry again. Jack had one goal in mind now – get that key. They fought vigorously but Jack made the daring move that sliced off part of Jones' tentacle beard. They watched as the key fell towards the deck. Jones gave a roar of fury, charging Jack with increased ferocity. Jack managed to block the strike and disarm Jones, sending his sword clattering to the deck as well. To add to Jones' bad luck, Jack swung the chest at his face, causing his neck to snap to the side.

Jones gave another horrible growl, grabbing Jack's sword blade between his large crab clawed hand. Jones gave a sharp tug, wrenching it to the side before snapping the very blade. Jack gritted his teeth as he held up the shortened blade. He took a hasty step back from Jones, gasping out in surprise as he nearly lost his footing. Jack could see that the two ships were getting closer and closer, the maelstrom brewing dangerously between them.

Eleanor wished she knew were Jack was and that he was alive. Her sword arm hurt from swinging and slicing and stabbing. She had a deep slice on her left arm from a blade and numerous nicks along her hands and face. She had been lucky to not lose an ear, dodging a wild swing from one of Davy Jones' crew. Barbossa had locked blades with one of Jones's crew as well, attempting to dodge the snapping teeth of its eel head. Barbossa was able to grab onto the pirates sword hilt and slice it's fishy head off, shoving the body into the water. Eleanor had slowly made her way towards Elizabeth, ensuring that her sister's back was always covered. Eleanor was roughly shoved towards the balustrade by one of the Company soldiers, who she deftly slit the throat off, and stared at horror at the storm before her. The Black Pearl was losing control and soon the two ships would lock masts together and be unable to separate. Calypso was doing her job well. They were all going to die.

"Where are you, Jack?" Eleanor growled, spinning around just in time to stab at an approaching enemy. "BARBOSSA!" Eleanor yelled. "THE HELM!" Barbossa looked around, staring in horror as the he too saw the approaching danger. There was no way they could stop it. Eleanor braced herself as the two masts crashed together, roughly jostling everyone on both sides. Feet slipping from the impact, Eleanor nearly fell overboard had it not been for Gibbs who grasped her arm and pulled her back securely on deck. "Thank you," she breathed out. Gibbs gave her a nod before charging back into the fray.

A Company soldier had engaged Will, both stumbling along the deck attempting to disarm or seriously maim the other. Eleanor jumped in to assist, tripping the soldier over where he landed on her own sword. Eleanor didn't bother to wipe her blade clean as she pulled it from the soldier's body. Will took a deep breath, "That was a dirty move."

Eleanor shrugged, "No honour being a pirate." She looked around them. Their crew was winning against the enemy pirates and soldiers. "Still no sign of Jack..."

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