Chapter Ten

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Barbossa was at the helm of the ship, battling the storm and rain that had rolled in suddenly. Eleanor was holding on for dear life as the ship bent and tipped with the waves. Eleanor gritted her teeth as the rain soaked her clothes and a chill reached deep into her bones. Barbossa steered them towards the starboard side, the Black Pearl, sailed into the outer rim of the swirling waters, and instantly started to be sucked into the intensity of it, being powered forward by not only the strong winds but the water itself. Calypso, Eleanor thought.

Onboard the Flying Dutchman, Mercer had one hand on the ship's wheel, along with another soldier. "Veer off!" he ordered. But Davy Jones pushed his way to the helm and took control. "She'll not harm us," he said, tenderness leaking into his tone. The crew looked at him like he was mad. "Full-bore and into the abyss."

"Are you mad?!" Mercer growled, attempting to take the wheel from Davy Jones.

Jones laughed in his face. "You afraid to get wet?" Mercer looked terrified of Jones for the first time, stepping back with some reluctance to let him take control. The Dutchman was getting sucked into the waters of the maelstrom.

Eleanor stood at the railing, watching as the Dutchman started to gain advantage on the Pearl. "Here they come!" she cried out.

Gibbs called out, "Batten down the hatches!" Crew members started to scramble around deck. "Stick to your guns! Sight the flash!" Eleanor scrambled beside Elizabeth, watching as the Pearl and the Flying Dutchman started to near each other. The churning waters were neither in anyone's favour; everyone was basically at a loss and could be destroyed in the depths of the whirlpool below, but the ships continued to power on. She gripped her pistol in her that is going to stop the ships crashing - she thought to herself. "Hold it," Gibbs yelled. "Hold it! Wait till we're more to port!" The canons were readying. Pintel and Ragetti holding a cannon ball each ready to load. Eleanor tensed as the ships grew closer still. She had a sinking feeling in her gut which often came before a fight.

"FIRE!" Elizabeth yelled. Barbossa joining her screams. Barbossa grinned, clearly enjoying the adrenaline rush and danger. Eleanor fell to the deck as a cannon ball crashed through the railing beside her, her pistol flying from her grasp. Debris fell around Eleanor's head. Will helped her to her feet, pushing her pistol back into her hand.

"FIRE!" Will repeated, as more cannons sounded and several crew members were thrown back as parts of the ship were destroyed in the mayhem.

"WE'VE BEEN BREACHED!" a call rang across the deck. Eleanor looked over her shoulder to see the crew from the Flying Dutchman clambering on board, swords swinging and pistols firing. Eleanor unsheathed her sword and leapt into the fray, Will and Elizabeth close behind her.

Meanwhile, onboard the Flying Dutchman, Jack had managed to slip free from his holding cell – curtesy of Beckett. Jack made his way, through the mayhem and cannon fire, to the Captain's cabin where he knew Davy Jones's chest was being held. He spied two company soldiers – Murtogg and Mullroy – were already there, each one with a small cannon aimed at the chest and ready to be set off at a moments notice. Both spied Jack as soon as he waltzed through the door. Instantly, they swivelled the cannons to face Jack. "Hold there," Mullroy commanded, "or we'll shoot!"

Jack cracked a grin, "Good one!" he continued to move around the room, the aim of the cannons following him, before he stopped before a table. "I've just come to grab me effects," he told them, swinging on his belt and sword. "You see, I made a promise to my lady love and can't break it." He paused, turning around to look back at them, whilst putting his hat on his head. "Admirable though it may be, why are you where when you could be elsewhere?"

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