Chapter Eight

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Eleanor sat on the ground beside Elizabeth, her head lolling to the side. She could feel sleep starting to grasp her as keys jingled and the cell door swung open. Eleanor sprung to her feet, hand flying to her empty scabbard. Norrington peered into the cell. He spotted Eleanor and hurriedly said to her, "Come with me." Eleanor looked at Elizabeth, who nodded. "Quickly!"

The two girls and the crew followed Norrington through the ship. "James," Eleanor grabbed his elbow. "What are you doing?"

"Choosing a side," Norrington said. He directed them to the side of the ship, hidden from view where a rope was strung. The crew immediately started sliding down it and off the ship. "Do not go to Shipwreck Cove. Beckett knows of the meeting of the Brethren. I fear there may be a traitor among them."

"James – " Eleanor whispered, looking up at him.

"I had nothing to do with your father's death," Norrington went on. His eyes insistent. "That doesn't absolve me of my other sins."

"Why?" Eleanor whispered.

Norrington gave her a knowing look. "I thought it was obvious. I love you, Eleanor. I fear I will until my dying days." He placed a hand on her cheek and gave her a sad smile.

"Ellie, we need to go," Elizabeth insisted. Her hands already wrapped around the rope preparing to climb.

"Come with us," Eleanor blurted out to Norrington. Her heart was thundering in her chest. The man she had given up, did not deserve the heartbreak she had caused him.

"I can't," Norrington said, though he looked indecisive.

"Who goes there!" a voice called out.

Norrington looked around in alarm. "Go," he said to Eleanor. "I will follow."

"You're lying," Eleanor cried out, still gripping Norrington's arm.

Norrington gave her a sad smile, "Our destinies have always been entwined, Eleanor...but never joined." Her gave her cheek another caress before dropping his hand. Eleanor knew this would be goodbye and slammed her lips against his one last time. Norrington kissed her immediately, tightly winding his fingers through her hair, his other hand gripping her hip. Eleanor felt tears start to slide down her cheek. This was the destiny she had passed up on. When they broke away she saw a tear had escaped Norrington's eye too. He turned back to the man approaching from behind. Eleanor could see it was Bootstrap, also freed from his cell. "Back to your station, sailor!"

"No one leaves the ship," Bootstrap muttered, unsheathing his sword.

Norrington frowned at him, "Stand down. That's an order!"

"That's an order. That's an order," Bootstrap continued to mutter. Eleanor felt Elizabeth grab onto her arm and pull her to the side. They both started to climb the rope to down to the water. "Part of the crew, part of the ship. Part of the crew, part of the ship."

"Steady, man!" Norrington said in alarm, pointing his pistol at Bootstrap.

"Part of the crew, part of the ship." Bootstrap suddenly called out, "All hands, prisoner escape!"

"Belay that!" Norrington bellowed. Norrington turned around and shot the line, dropping Eleanor and Elizabeth into the sea below. He turned around and Bootstrap speared him on his sword.

"James!" Eleanor screamed. "James! No!"

Elizabeth was crying beside her, tears streaming down her face.

Jack looked out with concern on Shipwreck Cove. His unease did not lift as they docked, looking around at the hull of so many ruined ships. Jack missed Eleanor. He was still beyond pissed off at Barbossa for allowing Sao Feng to take the Swann girls. He knew, more than others, what Sao Fend was capable of when confronted with beautiful women. Pintel's eyes were wide as he looked about. "Look at them all!"

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