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the bright light of day hastily spilled into those cracked vermilion irises, hardly able to pry them open.

before he could process anything, a splitting ache ripped through his head.

"fuck." he then winced at the sound of his own voice. it sounded as if it were amplified by ten speakers.

he slowly shifted, groaning at the ache in his muscles before willing himself to sit up, eyes still not fully open-but open enough to take in where he was.

and he was most definitely not in his room.

the sheets he rested atop were black, completely unlike his white ones. the duvet he rested beneath was an even darker black. a weighted, velvet blanket.

he then looked over at the wall, which was painted a dark shade of grey, to see many vinyl records hanging from them, along with the occasional band poster.

though, what truly caught his hardly focused eyes were the white and dark green electric guitar. it was attached to the wall just above the nightstand.

before he could process a proper thought of it, he heard the soft shuffling. he then quickly-or as quickly as he could at that moment-turned his head to see that familiar head of dark, almost raven curls. though, there were many highlights of green begging to differ. the hair was messier than usual, bed head.

he then trailed his eyes down to see that the other was shirtless.

and god, did the sight momentarily halt his headache.

the other was turned around, revealing that the sleeve of tattoos that trailed up his arm in fact did not stop, but spread down his strong back.

"you're finally awake, katsuki?" izuku said, not turning around as he picked a water bottle up from his desk slowly, almost as if he could feel those eyes burning into him. katsuki only hummed, almost absently as he was broken from his trance.

"here," izuku said, turning around and tossing the younger the cool bottle of water. humming, katsuki then opened the bottle before taking a sip.

immediately, it felt as if his entire body was devoid of water. he then chugged the bottle, ignoring the drop that spilled down his chin.

never, in katsuki's life, had he felt so dehydrated.

even after the entire water bottle, katsuki felt as if he were a raisin personified.

izuku then turned away, disappearing into his kitchen for a moment before returning with a bowl, handing it to katsuki. "banana oatmeal. you're hungover, you need some carbs."

katsuki glanced up at izuku before back down at the bowl in front of him. he then hastily accepted the warm food. izuku watched a faint thankful glint shine within his eyes before he ate. he then turned away, sitting in a chair near his desk.

"so, why the hell were you so drunk last night?" izuku asked bluntly.

katsuki then froze mid-bite, his eyebrows knitted with obvious confusion. he tried his hardest to recall any memories.

the driving to the party, going to the actual party, a dirty blonde, and now... waking up to a shirtless izuku.. in his room.

what the fuck?

he couldn't recall a thing. panic bubbled up within katsuki's chest as he looked over at izuku. he then looked down at himself, his eyes blowing wide as he noticed he wasn't in his own clothing.

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