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"never touch alcohol again, i fucking mean it."

the bubble-gum-haired girl hastily got out of the driver's seat to allow katsuki to get in. she then handed over the keycard.

mina had driven katsuki's car to her own home the night after the party. though now, she was outside of izuku's apartment where katsuki exited. izuku hadn't bothered to walk the blond out, katsuki never asked.

and soon, he was in the driver's seat, mina riding shotgun. the blond wasted no time driving away, he and mina sat in comfortable silence for a while as she tapped away at her phone.

though that silence had soon been pierced by the sound of mina's voice, she looked up. "so," she started.

"he didn't try anything, did he?"

katsuki bristled at her strong tone, turning to face her yet keeping his hands on the steering wheel. "no!" the blond said quickly, his eyes holding a soft glint of confusion as to what she meant.

"mhm.." she hummed, her look of suspicion never dissipating. "i was hungover, he helped me through it, told me everything that happened last night, and even let me use his shower to clean up." katsuki said, returning his gaze to the road.

mina's eyebrows then relaxed from their previously tense state as she hummed, "really?" her voice now holding much more shock.

katsuki only nodded to which she gasped, "nevertheless, i don't like him. but that's impressive, never thought he'd be the considerate type."

mina then looked out of the window on the sunny mid-spring saturday. the return of school seemed to creep upon them in a haste. leaving them with only one day of their spring break remaining.

katsuki drove for a short while before the pink-haired girl remembered one other thing. "oh kats, what about your parents? aren't they home this weekend? how did you manage to get away with-"

"im pretty sure they don't care. so, i don't care either." katsuki shrugged quickly. though, something was nagging at him.

mina was katsuki's first friend since he'd moved to california from japan as his parents' fashion business grew. she knew the blond's situation better than anyone else. this also meant she knew a lot more about katsuki personally. able to read the boy like an open book.

she knew when katsuki wanted to talk and when he didn't. she also knew that talking about his parents was always a touchy subject. so, she never pried.

only changed the subject.

mina then hummed, "i'm hungry." she complained honestly. she hadn't had lunch yet and it was the afternoon.

katsuki hummed, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"wanna get chick-fil-a?"

soon after dropping mina off at her home, katsuki was now at his own.

even after taking the long route, he still arrived in the late afternoon, almost evening. once the door had opened, he was greeted by a kind housekeeper her hair was a lively shade of light turquoise, a complete contrast to katsuki's dull, near-lifeless glare.

"oh katsuki!" she gasped, moving aside to allow the blond to step in. "just in time, mitsuki and masaru have just returned from a meeting."

katsuki clicked his teeth at this, walking inside.


he'd disappeared for an entire night and their response is to go to a meeting? not showing the slightest bit of concern?

"i don't care, emi." he whispered coldly. he then turned to go down the hall, only to be met with the two he dreaded gazing upon.

there was a woman, a carbon copy of katsuki. from that silky, fair hair to those sharp, piercing ruby eyes.

though, those wild blonde locks were longer, taming out as they stopped at her mid-back. she hardly wore any makeup, her skin smooth and youthful. showed no age.

her nails were the shape of almonds, a clean, professional white. she wore a black, expensive dress. likely of her own design as it contoured her body perfectly. her feet clad in simple white pumps. not only made for her but by her.

meanwhile, the man wore but a simple business suit. his style much more minimalistic in comparison to his wife's style.

"oh, katsuki." the woman said, almost sounding oddly surprised to see her own son.

"hi mom, hi dad." katsuki replied blandly.

"katsuki, you could have at least let us know you were going out with your friend-what's it-mina? we have no problem with it. she's a sweet girl." masaru said, tone laced with innocent ignorance.

katsuki snorted at this, if only they knew.

though even then, not like they would care.

they always put work ahead of their child. quickly, katsuki's face contorted into a frown.

"what he said is right. now, i wanted you to come home to tell you that your father and i are going to be out for two or three weeks for a business trip. to new york, photo shoots, and modeling without new designs. we're leaving... soon. don't have the dates just yet." mitsuki explained, briefly checking the calendar on her phone.

katsuki grit his teeth at this, after being gone for nearly a month, they only show up for a day and a half before hurrying out once again.

and suddenly, katsuki felt as if he did not matter.

"of course you are." katsuki said, his voice hushed and cold yet so shaky. as the threat of tear shed burned at his throat. he only walked past them, shifting slightly to avoid making contact.

mitsuki only turned, watching as her son disappeared up the stairs, closing his door harshly.

she then returned to her husband, "when is he not pissy?"

the other only shrugged. it was as if they did not know their son in the slightest sometimes.

yet another thing that drove katsuki mad. made him question: was he truly mitsuki and masaru's son? or... a stranger?

now calm, katsuki silently changed out of izuku's clothing before putting on his own. he then set them aside, he was going to return them tomorrow, he reminded himself absently.

the blond then sat in his bed, the familiar comfort seemingly consuming his anger, confusion, and sadness whole. and soon, he was suddenly gripped by the chains of pure emotional exhaustion.

katsuki then couldn't even recall the time his eyes shut, he was just.. suddenly asleep. the minor effects of his hangover forcing him down to get more rest during that late, saturday evening.

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