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"alright, see you at school."

with those last words, katsuki tapped the red circle, ending the call with mina. the street light then switched to green, signaling him to drive.

the warm spring morning was peaceful. the ride to school was short since he was already three-fourths of the way there.

katsuki brought nothing but his laptop, he didn't need a bag by now, he'd hardly gotten any work on paper anymore.

he soon arrived at school, parking in the student lot, laptop in hand before walking to the front. it was then that he noticed a few stares.

not at him, but at his car.

katsuki only rolled his eyes before a soft smirk tugged at his lips at the attention.

maybe he did like the attention, just a bit.

as he walked, katsuki felt his phone buzz in his back pocket. he then took it out, immediately seeing that it was a message from... izuku.

katsuki cursed himself for the shiver of undeniable excitement that trailed down his spine at the sight. it was only one message yet he opened it with lightning speed.

'meet me in the gym locker room after the first bell.'

katsuki's eyebrows knitted with confusion at this.

why did izuku want him there?

though, he couldn't dwell on that question for long as he could see the familiar canary hair of none other than denki. the golden-blond was entirely too energetic, as he was nearly every morning.

"look who's back." hanta whistled, to which denki turned to face katsuki. "damn, kat! thought you died or some shit. you didn't text or called since the party." denki beamed swinging an arm around to hug the slightly taller blonde.

katsuki groaned at that, "let's agree to never talk about that shitty party ever again." he pushed denki away softly.

mina only giggled, "okay, we can let you live that down. but im not too sure about izuku... that blonde girl he hangs with was the reason you had to go so early." she said, slightly irked.

katsuki bristled at the mention of izuku, a motion that did not go unnoticed by the group as they exchanged looks.

"what?!" the blond said suddenly.

"oh please, katsuki." mina nearly begged. "please don't tell me you actually have feelings for izuku."

denki and hanta's lips cracked into goody smiles as they tried to hold in their laughter. "fuck you both." katsuki said sharply.

soon, kyoka and eijiro joined. always arriving a bit later than the rest.

"sup." the redhead said. kyoka only waved, she was not a morning person at all. "what's up is the fact that katsuki likes izuku." denki blurted. he couldn't help it.

katsuki only glared at him, those vermilion eyes like blades, cutting through the canary-haired boy with a single swipe.

eijiro's eyes widened, "izuku? that asshole who tried to steal from hot topic?"

kyoka then choked a bit at this, eijiro's words seemingly knocking the sleepiness out of her. "who the fuck steals from a hot topic?"

this aroused many questions, as they began to exchange them as if katsuki weren't standing right in front of them. his blood immediately began to boil. with a deep breath, katsuki spoke "okay, stop."

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