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hours had passed and what were once cries soon turned to light snores.

katsuki was buried in izuku's chest as the older male slept on his bed despite the noon daylight that poured in. eventually, katsuki found himself falling asleep as well, the emotional exhaustion eventually converting to physical exhaustion.

pure silence fell over the room for many hours. in this moment, it was just the two of them, embracing the other tightly as if they'd be parted any moment.

though, of course, this soon came to an end as the loud ring of katsuki's phone sliced through the thick silence. katsuki jolted out of his light sleep at the piercing sound. though, izuku on the other hand seemed to be in a much deeper sleep as he did not budge. katsuki groaned, cursing to himself as the ringing continued.

at first, he intended to ignore it-mostly because he couldn't get up. izuku's body weight kept him pressed down into the bed. and while it was comfortable, katsuki also wished he could silence the ringing.

the ringing continued for a while, katsuki winced every time the harsh ringing continued to go on. though, after a short while, it stopped. silence fell over his room once again as katsuki sighed, izuku didn't wake up. he then relaxed, curling into izuku even closer as if they weren't already close enough.

though, just before he could return to sleep, the loud ringing started up again.

"oh my fucking god," izuku groaned, his eyes remained closed.

"whoever the fuck it is, just answer it." he said, agitated that his sleep was interrupted. he then rolled over in the bed slightly to free katsuki from the embrace. katsuki frowned slightly at the lack of warmth before getting up. he slid off of his bed quickly before reaching over to his desk where his phone rested. and suddenly, with one glance at the contact name, his heart sank.

"oh fuck it's my mom," he gasped, glaring at izuku for only a quick second. he then answered the phone, unknowing of what to expect.

"katsuki!" the woman's voice ripped through the air loud enough for izuku to hear. and she wasn't even on speaker! "you're sick?! sick my fucking ass!"

"oh my fucking god-"

"unt!" mitsuki cut katsuki off. "don't even start that shit with me! your father and i are on the way home as i speak! we are boarding the plane in twenty minutes."

katsuki's heart sunk a bit, and he swallowed thickly. "why?! isn't your business trip for another two weeks?"

"not anymore! i've heard a lot of shit about you, i need details." mitsuki continued to yell.

katsuki was utterly dumbfounded then. what could she have heard?! he didn't respond, a pit forming in his stomach.

"we will see you tonight, katsuki."

and with that, mitsuki hung up. katsuki then set his phone down on his desk, turning to face izuku who was now sitting up on his bed. katsuki glared at him for a while with glassy eyes before opening his mouth to speak.


"wasn't listening, i swear." izuku said, making a simple gesture of sliding his right index finger across his chest where his heart was to prove he was telling the truth. katsuki hummed, a new silence draping over the room. it wasn't the comfortable silence they basked in only minutes ago, but a thick one, full of tension.

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