the juice mission

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*AN* Hey guys!! Before you read on, there is a slight TW about weight/ eating, it's not major I'm just warning you guys!! I hope your enjoying the book so far, I'm having so much fun writing it, enjoy this chapter and listen to the music lovelies,
love jemima <3

yes, that's right. I'm going to venture into Walmart, get the juice and hide it from my older brothers. I'm sure the twins would totally love this idea. They need their apple juice as much as me!

"what are you smiling about?" Nic asks me, causing me to snap out of my master plan. If we go now, we have plenty of time to secure the juice. perfect.

"well, I was thinking since there's a Walmart next door, we should get our juice back!" I look to their faces and see them both smirking, looking at each other then me.

"So?" I ask, maybe they won't like this idea after all?

"we're in" they both say in unison. I hate it when they do it, it's so creepy! But hey, at least their on board.

"okay, so if we go now we will have about 15 minutes to get juice, pay and return back to the car. we then have to hide it from Elliot and Ev. Then once we get home we have to hide it at the back of the fridge."
I grin, while the other two are nodding their heads.

"wow you've really thought this out baby, we're proud of you" Nate says, smirking at my reaction to my nickname. I roll my eyes, trying not to retaliate

"What are we waiting for? We need to get it, quick!!" Nic says, getting out of the car, motioning for us to follow.

"yeah, yeah coming!!" I mutter, getting out.

"bonnie, who bought that top for you?"

"One of you guys, I can't quite remember!" I know exactly who, it wasn't any of my brothers it was Alex's best friends mum, our families were best friends before mom and dad died.

They have two sons, Lucas and Olli who are best friends with my brothers. They are Rafe and Alex's age so are basically like 2 more older brothers. Just what I need right? their mom, Becky is basically like a mom to me.

She helped me when I started my period, taught me how to shave my legs, do my hair, takes me shopping for feminine products and buys me clothes that my brothers wouldn't approve off! They come over quite a lot so that my older brothers can relax and hang out with Olli and Lucas while Becky and I go out. I call her aunty Becky, but I just wished she lived with us permanently, it would be amazing to have another girl live in the house.

"Are you sure one of us bought that for you?" Nic asks in disbelief. While Nate looks deep in thought.

"yes ugh positive!" I reply, they can tell when I'm lying easily, so I've got to try my best to cover it up, I can't have them finding out my source !!

"okay okay, if you say so bonnie" Nate says, unconvinced.

"can you zip your hoodie up a bit though please bonnie?" Nic asks, motioning to my hoodie.

"urgh fine!" I give up. I'll save this fight for another day, right now we need to focus on getting juice.

It's been about 10 minutes and we've reached the juice section, picking out our juice.

I pick up a big bottle of apple juice while Nic does the same and we walk towards the cash registers, stopping by the candy aisle.

"mmm yes m&ms get in my belly" Nate says as he picks them up and rubs his stomach mockingly. I giggle while Nic rolls his eyes and picks up some jolly ranchers.

"bonnie you want anything?" He questions, I shake my head.

"you sure? you know your as light as a feather!" Nate says as he picks up another packet of m&ms.

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