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(video above is Bonnie dancing)

mentions of depression, self harm, eating disorders (starving/ bulimia) and mental health.

oh my gosh, it's been a hot minute !! I'm so sorry for taking so long to upload this chapter, I've just been going through a lot atm. It actually takes a lot of time to write, think of ideas and edit, so it's quite energy consuming !! Hope you guys enjoy 💓💓

I just wanted to add in really quick, in no way shape or form am I normalising and romanticising eating disorders, mental illnesses, self harm. Please ask for help, you aren't alone there's always someone willing to talk to you; to listen to you. And please don't try anything bonnie does, all bodies are beautiful; and I know it doesn't feel like that but it's true! I care and appreciate each and every one of you💓

R E C A P  :

As I connect with the music dancing, I don't seem to hear footsteps enter the room, that is until the music ends and I turn around to be met with 7 pairs of eyes.

7 pairs of eyes identical to mine.

Well Shit.


P  R  E  S  E  N  T  :

I turn back around quickly, if I can't see them, they can't see me and we can just pretend this never happened, right?

Oh god this cant be happening! I've kept my dancing private my whole life and as soon as all my brothers find out, it's ruined. It's public.

Dancing has always been one of my ways to vent.

I hear someone clear their throat, shit, my brothers!
I completely forgot they were there. I take a deep breath before turning back around to be met with the same 7 pairs of eyes.

I scan across their expressions, some were bored, some shocked and some, almost angry? What have I done now?

"So what the fuck was that then bon?" Nic says, with frustration lacing his voice, jeez what crawled up his ass?

"Hey, language! She did nothing wrong so stop treating her like a criminal" Rafe apprehends Nic, which causes him to look down and rub his neck guiltily.

I love mama bear rafe<3

The feeling isn't mutual though, he hates you. He thinks your a worthless little slut who's a waste of space and deserves to die.

Is that true.. does he really hate me that much?

Maybe I should stop interacting with them, talking to them, I'm annoying and worthless.. It's for them. I love them even if they don't love me.

Do they really not love me?

They hate you.

"Earth to Bonnie? You in there?" A hand waves infront of mg face and I avert my eyes to see Elliot extremely close to me, waving his hands close to my face.

I huff dramatically and swat his hands away, he looks offended before putting on the Philips' brother signature expression: the smirk.

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