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hiya everyone! oh. my. gosh. 13k reads??? Thankyou all so much for your support, I really appreciate each and everyone one of you. I hope you enjoy this chapter, enjoy the song and make sure to check the TWs before reading! love j xx



"I can't keep on doing this for you bonnie, detention can't be my only way to spend time with you"  he whispers, smirk apparent in his slightly raspy, deep voice."


Taken aback by his comment, I breath sharply and breath out my mouth, locking eyes once again with him.

He smirks at me, before looking up and down at me.

I all of a sudden feel self conscious and insecure, so I wrap my arms around my body, trying my best to conceal it from his view.

I look at him, studying his fluffy brown hair, sharp cheek bones and enticing eyes.


"W-what?" I stutter out, still not breaking eye contact with him, feeling vulnerable and small under his gaze.

"You heard me" he chuckles and smirks yet again, before breaking eye contact and looking at what our music teacher is pointing at.

He was lying. No one would find you pretty, or even want to hang out with you.

Nobody likes you.

You're worthless. You're unwanted.

Trying to shake off those thoughts, I stare at him dumbfounded before turning back to the teacher.

"Okay, so does everyone understand what they're doing?" The teacher looks around studying our faces before continuing. "Okay, now start"

oh shit.

I wasn't paying attention.

It's because your not clever.

You're stupid.

I bc look around cluelessly, to see everyone making plans with their group.

I turn around to see my own group talking. I try to figure out what they're saying, mid conversation.

"huh?" I blurt our loudly, causing all of their heads to turn at me. Including Matteo, who's yet again smirking at my confused expression.

They laugh before explaining we are just doing more band work.

Once we get into our practice room, I get handed a lyric sheet by joey.

"Thanks, so what are we doing then?" I ask, half zoned in the conversation; half out.

"Take a look stupid" matteo laughs, locking eyes with me once more.

Our eye contact lingers for a couple of seconds before I look away, remembering the longer he looks, the longer he can study my face and boy, and realise how ugly I am.

I look down to the lyric sheet, which was titled 'creep' by Radiohead.

I look up to them, dumbfounded as to why they chose this song for a school piece, as well as having a 14 year old girl sing it.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩Where stories live. Discover now