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"What did you want to talk about?"

Brooklyn sat across from Staples at his island bar. He was visiting his spot and home in Jersey for the week.

"I'm going to do something about that Isaac kid, he trying to file sole custody over Sage."

"What? When did this happen?" Brooklyn furrowed her eyebrows. She was sure her sister had just shut down, which is why she hadn't told her.

When things were heavy on her, she just stopped talking for days.

"The day I texted you saying we needed to talk is when it happened. According to the lawyer, the only way we wouldn't win is if there's proof of mistreatment towards Sage."

Brooklyn rubbed her head, she was so irritated. The fact that Isaac even had the audacity to file for sole custody is what was getting her.

"For one, the nigga is in college far away. How is he going to have time for his kid? Two, he literally abused Sevyn so how does he think he's going to get custody of my nephew?"

Staples turned his attention on Brooklyn, confused by her saying that.


"Abused her? No one was going to inform me about that?"

"Sevyn didn't even want to tell me, but when she did I told Kevious and he handled it. So please don't go doing anything crazy."

"I'm not going to do anything crazy. I'm gone do something bizarre, you don't worry about that though."

Although Brooklyn wanted Kevious to just off him, she asked that he only teach him a lesson.

Her reasoning was that he was an father...and she didn't want her nephew without that person in his life.

She knew then that she should've paid attention to what she was saying.

"That's only going to build onto the evidence against her, just handle him after it's over please."

Staples laughed hysterically, Brooklyn rolled her eyes. She just knew being around crazy men was the new norm for her.

"I'll do that, but I would like if you talked to your sister."

"Oh I will."

"Please just leave me alone."

Sevyn continued to lay on her side while staring at her baby. She realized that her door didn't close or did the footsteps stop.

"Why I got to leave you alone?"

Her heart dropped as she sat up to see who it was. A huge smile traveled on her face seeing Rory standing there with roses in his hand.

"Rory! I thought you had a game this Friday."

"Nah, it got canceled. And I don't have classes on Thursday or Friday this week."

Sevyn nodded placing the flowers on her dresser. Rory noticed how dry she was and touched her side.

"You look sad, what's wrong Sev?"

She sat down on the foot of her bed, looking back at her baby. Sage was turning one soon and in the middle of planning his first birthday party, shit got hectic.

She explained to him that Isaac was filing for sole custody over Sage. The situation was draining her in every way it could.

"We gone win this case, we know you a great moms. Isaac just trying to make you hurt because he hurting seeing you move on."

"I know, but what if he does get my baby? Rory I can't live without Sage, I'm pretty sure this nigga is getting a lawyer who will manipulate shit so bad that the judge believes it."

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