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Engagement ring displayed above.
"Y'all got me good."

Brooklyn smiled from cheek to cheek while sitting down with Amelia and Lex. After days of being tied up with her fiancé at home, she finally got a day out.

"We should really start helping with proposals, I thought you knew something was up though." Alexis said grabbing her hand.

She was checking the ring out again although she helped choose it.

"I knew it was something when I saw the orange roses. Kevious knows that's part of my love language and just everything about the shoot was detailed how I like."

"Aww, I know your wedding is going to be so pretty. I know my mama can't wait for the day I call and tell her somebody proposed to my ass." Lex laughed.

Brooklyn laughed too but then she felt a rush of sad emotions. She had called her dad but part of her wished she could have that moment with her mom.

She decided not to make it a big deal and shake the thought off.

"Have y'all started planning? You know I have a great wedding planner and she can have your wedding looking marvelous." Amelia said.

She of course was all for the wedding planning.

"We'll start soon, anyway what's going on with y'all? Any new things happening?"

"Well daddy and Percy plan on meeting up this weekend, Percy says he doesn't want them to beef anymore."

"That's great, I hope uncle Brando isn't being extra as always."

"Me too."

The women talking a while longer before parting ways. Brooklyn decided to go shopping since she was in the mood.

As stood in the Saint Laurent store, she eyed the purse she'd been wanting. As she reached to grab it, someone else snatched it up.

She looked to the side at the person, realizing that they looked extremely familiar.

"Guess Kevious has a type." The woman spoke. Brooklyn eyed her once more and saw that it was Noelle.

"And that is?" She questioned. Noelle smiled, Brooklyn could see through the fake-ness.

"Of course not the basic bitch part, but the expensive one. I see he's lured you into his trap, buying you nice shit. Trust it's just a front."

"Oh you want to have problems with me?" Brooklyn questioned. She was down for whatever, she felt like fighting was childish at her age but she'd take it there if she needed to.

"We had problems the minute you started working with him to set your ex up."

"Find you something safe to do." Brooklyn attempted to walk away but the girl stood in front of her.

"You think I'm scared of you? Please believe none of Kevious's bitches ever fucked with me."

"Would you like those scars to be covered permanently? A quick trip to the morgue would do the job."

Noelle looked as if she had been deeply offended. Brooklyn didn't plan on taking things to that level but she was pushed there.

She decided to leave the store and go to the next one. It was best for her do that since she was sure she'd be the one going to jail.

"Bitches always trying me."
"How was your day?"

Kevious eased up behind Brooklyn as she stood at the sink. She had just got back from shopping and was now trying to get dinner started. 

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