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"Yo you bugging me right now."

Brooklyn followed Kevious into their bedroom trying to talk to him. He still wouldn't say why he had taken the pills or mentioned anything about it.

"I'm bugging you? Nigga I'm trying to keep you from going back to that. You told me how it was and now you're doing the shit again?"

"It's like you hard of hearing or some shit." Kevious laughed a bit.

"I'm not hard of hearing–back the fuck off B!" He rose his voice over hers. Brooklyn crossed her arms while watching him go into the bathroom.

"Okay I'm not going to beg this nigga."

Brooklyn walked inside the kitchen and fixed herself a glass of wine. She then went into the drawers and grabbed a knife.

She was about to grab her something stronger to drink but decided against it.

Quickly she went out to the garage and flattened the tires on his each of his cars. She then keyed his HellCat which he adored the most.

Walking back inside, she grabbed the bottle of wine and pour herself another glass.


Braylie calling for her from the sofa grabbed her attention. She walked over and saw that she needed a new diaper.

"You were suppose to be sleep." Brooklyn mumbled. Braylie only stared at her, as always.

Kevious limped into the living room and glanced at Brooklyn. He had a feeling that she'd done something by the look on her face.

He then walked over to the kitchen and saw that random knife on the counter.

"Fuck this girl done did." He mumbled to himself. He could always tell when she was up to something.

As he walked out to the garage, Brooklyn smirked to herself.

"Yo you fucking crazy?" He limped back inside. Brooklyn looked at him, not caring or having any regret for what she'd done.

"You can talk to your mama crazy but me? Try again."

Kevious laughed and nodded his head. She had a feeling that was one of his crazy laughs but at that point she didn't care.

"Braylie your moms is crazy."

Brooklyn rolled her eyes and decided to ignore him. She picked up her phone and Sevyn's name appeared at the top of the screen so she answered.

"Hello my beautiful big sister." Sevyn spoke, Brooklyn ducked her lips.

"Girl what you want?"

"Can you watch Sage while I go to California for my birthday? I would've asked dad and uncle Brando but dad's on a business trip and Brando is on an anniversary trip."

"Yeah, when are you leaving?" She asked.

"Next Friday, I'll be back Monday."

"Who's going with you?"

"Um my friends from school, you know dad is going to send like two guards with me too."

Brooklyn could tell she was lying about something. It was all in her voice. Instead of questioning her more, she just nodded.

The two talked a little while longer before ending the call. Brooklyn decided to sleep on the sofa with Braylie since she didn't want to be near Kevious.

She was trying to keep from acting out on him but he was pushing her there.
"This nigga talked to me like I was some random off the streets."

Brooklyn sat in the basement on the phone with Amelia and Lex. She was wishing that she could keep things to herself but she couldn't help but vent.

Kevious pissed her off so bad that she stopped wearing her ring.

"Boo I don't know what to say but I know he got you fucked up. You want Joc to come talk to him?" Amelia said.

"Fuck that, beat that nigga with his cane."

Both Brooklyn and Amelia laughed, you can see who to go to for calm and pissed advice.

"I know what I'm gone do, I'll call you guys later." Brooklyn said immediately coming up with an idea.

It was 11 in the morning and Kevious was still in bed. She walked upstairs and to the kitchen. Grabbing a huge pot, she filled it with ice and water.

She then went to their bedroom and stood over him.

"Are you ready to talk?" She asked, he shook his head continuing to cover his face with his arm. Brooklyn threw the mixture on him causing him to jump up.

"Yo I swear you don't want to be right here when I get up." He wiped his face. Brooklyn didn't too much care about his triggers at the moment.

"I've been attempting to change my stubbornness for you. If you don't want to talk to me about this then I'm leaving you."


Brooklyn furrowed her eyebrows, not wanting to believe he was being nonchalant towards her.

"Okay then."

She threw the pot on the floor causing it to echo loudly through the room. She then walked over to the closet and grabbed her suitcase.

She begin packing a lot of both she and Braylie's clothes. She felt a range of emotions flow through her body.

It felt like a fast forward moment.

Once their things were packed and loaded, she strapped Braylie in her car seat and they left. She felt like shit for leaving him but it was necessary.

Meanwhile Kevious had just stepped out of the shower. He knew he pissed Brooklyn off but not to the point that she would actually leave.

He walked around the house with his cane, trying to figure out where she had gone. He wasn't gone stress over it just yet.

He sat down on the couch and relaxed back.

"Shorty just mad right now, she'll be back."
This chapter is a tad bit short but I was kinda rushing. Next chapter def gone come faster and longer! Excuse errors💕

Also, I published a book called Atlantis. It's only one chapter published to see if folks fw it. If you check it out, lmk what you think!☺️

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