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"Want to tell me why you haven't returned my calls?"

Brooklyn looked over at her dad who walked into her bedroom. She covered her face, not knowing he would be paying her a visit.

"How did you get in here?"

"You really gone ask your pops that?" He sat at the foot of her bed. Staples removed the covers from her head and studied his daughter.

He could see something wasn't right, it worried him a bit.

"I've been calling, Sevyn tried calling, and even San. You don't want to be bothered with us?"

"It's not that. I just haven't been feeling very social lately. I needed a break from everything you know?"

"You not coming to Sasha's party?"

"I have her a gift, but I don't know if I'm coming though. Last time I was around the family I felt like I was being judged."

"Sasha didn't invite any of my family besides Malorie and Stargell, she don't too much fuck with the others. You'll be comfortable."

"What time does it start?"

"Five, make sure you answer that phone when I call too. What if I was in some trouble?"

"I'm sure that would never happen Mr I Have My Ways."

Staples chuckled while standing up. He kissed her forehead before leaving out of her home.  It took Brooklyn a minute to just actually get out of bed.

It was like when finding out you're pregnant the symptoms get worse. Walking into the bathroom, she took a look at herself in the mirror.

She grabbed her tooth brush and begin to brush her teeth. As she did that, she suddenly begin to gag but managed to keep it down.

After cleaning herself up, she went into the kitchen. She was in awe at the hundreds of roses on her floor and counter.

She grabbed both cards sitting beside the flowers.

One was from Kevious and the other was from her dad.

She opened the one from her dad first, it was eight hundred dollars. She now received monthly cash from him, apparently all of his daughters had allowances.

She then opened the card from Kevious.

Hope you have a good day, I love you.

She picked up her phone and decided to text him. The two hadn't talked since the night before, she decided to let him keep Braylie since she was weak all over.

Today she did have strength so she was ready to see them.

"Let's try and eat something first."
"How was your night?"

Brooklyn caressed Kevious's face as he laid in her lap. The two were trying to find ways to speak about the pregnancy.

Brooklyn honestly didn't have anything to say yet, besides informing him that she set up an appointment. Kevious just wanted her to know whatever she did he was supporting it.

"It was cool... you didn't hear the front door open this morning?" Kevious questioned. He was wondering
why she hadn't been suspicious about it.

"Yeah I heard it." She lied, Kevious ran his hand over her thigh while looking up at her.

"You don't know how to lie, voice trembling like a motherfucker."

Suddenly Braylie begin to cry, Brooklyn saved herself from being fussed at by going to get her. As she approached the room, a wave of lightheadedness rushed to her.

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