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Brooklyn stood in her kitchen while looking around her house. The lights had just went out while she was making dinner, luckily only the bread wasn't finished.

She grabbed her phone to call Kevious but he didn't answer so she just texted. He was busy getting his garage together since the reopening was soon.

Braylie was still asleep so she decided to light some candles. She then fixed herself a bowl of chili and took a seat on the sofa.

She started to feel lonely without her man so she texted and begged him to come home. Kevious was immediately on his way, her text was more on the emergency side.

When he arrived, he saw that she was just sitting on the sofa.

"Yo you had me thinking some serious happened."

"This is serious, I need my boo cause I'm kinda scared of the dark."

Kevious laughed while removing his coat and shoes. He then walked over to Braylie on the sofa and kissed her forehead before lying beside Brook.

"Don't smell like you been working."

"Soon as I was about to change the tires on my ride you texted me. You know I'd never hesitate to stop work for my shorty." He leaned up and kissed her.

Brooklyn rubbed the back of his head while eyeing her engagement ring.

"Were you going to propose to me when we had an argument about marriage?" She questioned.

"Yeah, thought it was obvious."

"I mean I caught that vibe but I didn't want to be too sure. I'm happy we had that conversation."

"Yeah me too. You know I would've waited as long as you needed me to cause I can't see myself with no one else other than you."

"You're such a charmer."

Brooklyn had such strong feelings towards him each time he talked. He wasn't afraid to express his love for her and she loved that for them.

"How was your day?"

"It was straight, I had to make sure everything I ordered was there. What about you? You and the kid do anything today?"

"We made cookies and watched one movie before she went to sleep. While she slept I cleaned up and started on dinner."

"You see your gift?" He asked. He had gifted her a diamond bracelet for their anniversary and hid it in Braylie's diaper bag to surprise.

"Thank you, it matches your Rolex."

"Yeah I like you to match my fly."

"Black shirts and sweats?"

"Ha, you got jokes."

The two talked until the lights popped back on. Kevious went to eat and Brooklyn carried Braylie to her crib.

While she got prepared for bed, her phone rang with a call from Cj. She was hesitant to answer because Kevious forbid them from talking.

Cj had called himself being upset with Kevious over the pills and pulled a gun on him. Kevious couldn't front like that didn't hurt him cause it did.

Cj decided he wanted to move back home and Kevious didn't stop him. He hate things went that way because that was his nephew but shit it is what it is, per Kevious.

"Hello?" She answered walking in the bathroom.

"What's up tee? I tried to call you bout an hour ago."

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