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"You ready girl?"

Brooklyn took a deep breath while looking at herself in the mirror. The time had moved swiftly, she would be becoming Mrs. Bakers in just a few minutes.

Everyone was ready except her, all she had to do was slip into her gown.

"I think so." She said through her shaky voice. At first she was real chill and ready to marry her man but now that it was happening she was nervous.

"Kevious said that if you get nervous to give you this." Amelia grabbed a piece of paper from her purse.

Brooklyn opened it and read over it.

If you in there getting cold feet on a nigga, remember we spent all our life savings on this wedding.

"Does it help?"

Brooklyn nodded her head while laughing a bit. Amelia helped her with the gown before going to get in the bridesmaid order.

The director finally came to get Brooklyn, she was relieved to see her father there on time. He gave a slight smile while approaching her.

"You look beautiful baby girl."

"Thank you."

The director had them wait at the corner until the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle.

As the two prepared to walk down, Brooklyn listened closely to the start of the song.

"Aww." She whispered. John Legend's So High played as the doors opened. Brooklyn looked at everything, it was decorated beautifully.

When they approached the alter, Staples kissed her cheek before giving her over to Kevious. The two shared eye contact and it seemed as if the room was empty.

She felt a load of butterflies in her stomach while the warmth of his hands settled on hers.

Focus girl.

The two stepped up to the pastor who held his Bible in his hand. The music winded down as he fixed the microphone to speak.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of God and these witnesses to join Brooklyn and Kevious in holy matrimony. Marriage is a sacred covenant, a lifelong commitment of love and support. Let us begin this joyous celebration with a prayer.."

Brooklyn and Kevious listened patiently to the man's words. He said a powerful prayer for them and gave them advice of marriage before proceeding with the ceremony.

They decided to say their vows privately to each other but would provide the letter at their reception.

The two exchanged rings which everyone fell attentive to. Kevious had purchased a 7.41 carat radiant cut  diamond Ring set in 14k White Gold.

Brooklyn had gotten him a 2.10 Carat Natural Diamond Mens Wedding Band with 14k White Gold.

Kevious didn't too much care if his ring was simple but seeing the detail made him smile.

"By the power vested in me and in the presence of God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Kevious wrapped his arms around Brooklyn and pulled her close. She wasted no time crashing her lips into his.

A married couple you say?

After taking their wedding photos, Brooklyn went to change into her reception dress. Kevious on the other hand got right into the food, he hadn't eaten in all day.

"Look at my pretty girl." Kevious said as Braylie made her way over. He picked her up and sat her in his lap.

"I want to go with you." She said as clear as ever. They had to told her she would be staying with her auntie but of course she was attached to their hip.

"I'll take you to Disneyland when we get back."

"I want to go now."

"Alright we'll see."

Sevyn walked over with her plate so she of course left with her. Kevious checked the time, it was going on ten minutes since Brooklyn went to change.

Suddenly everyone started cheering so he knew it was her. He focused his attention towards the door where Brooklyn walked in.

She immediately made her way over to Kevious who stared her down.

"You not taking shots with the guys?" She sat in his lap.

"Only shots I'm thinking about involve you."

Brooklyn grinned while looking away. She wanted to spend at least an hour at the reception before they left.

"Come on Brook!" Lex ran over and pulled her up. One of their favorite songs was on and of course they had to have their moment.

Kevious got him a shot to loosen up some. Brooklyn knew he had gotten a little more than loose when he got the microphone and started rapping along to UGK's Int'l Players Anthem.

"I choose you girl." He got all in her face. She knew he'd be pissed by the morning because Quincy and Joc hyped him up to carry on.

"You ready to go?"

"I'm on GO shorty. Man they said wouldn't nobody want a nigga like me but look? I got a baby and a wife, fuck what they talking about."

"I know that but are you ready to leave?"

Kevious got back to his rapping which meant no. Brook just laughed before continuing to talk with her girls.

Almost an hour later they were finally leaving. The two would be staying at a hotel near the airport since they had a flight to catch tomorrow.

Lucky for them Braylie was asleep so they left with no problems.

"Oh this is nice." Brooklyn looked out of the huge window. Kevious walked up behind her and kissed her neck.

"You wanna smoke one?" He asked. Brooklyn shook her head while turning to face him. He held his arm above her head while staring her down.

"You sure you want to be any more under the influence? I thought you were putting down business."

"I'm not gone even hold you, I can't even put my foot down right now."

Brooklyn laughed while helping him out of his clothes. She then got him in the bed but he pulled her down with him.

"You should get some sleep, you may have a headache in the morning."

"Nah you should get some sleep cause when we get on that island? Man man man."

"Okay then."

Brooklyn could only smile at him. Soon enough he was asleep and she was able to go take a shower. As she stood there reminiscing, her ring glistened in her eye.

She held it up towards the light and grinned.

I'm really a wife.
🥹love that for her.

Hope you guys enjoyed, excuse any errors!❤️

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