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Kevious blew on the small cut he'd just gotten from a piece of glass in his basement. He had came to get some tools he needed for work but decided to make sure his home was good first.

"How the fuck did that break?" He questioned realizing that it was an old glass he'd won at an fair years ago.

He and Noelle's name was traced on the glass, he became suspicious of the act.

"You know I love to leave a mark."

Kevious turned around, a small menacing smile came across his face. Not surprised at all, it was Noelle with some big guy behind her.

"You came here protected, smart choice." Kevious sat on his stool.

"Yeah cause you wouldn't test me with him here."

"Test you? Yo you funny. The fuck you in my house for?" He questioned. Noelle looked at the man and nodded for him to place the papers in Kevious's hand.

He snatched them and read over the information.

"What you telling me this for?" He questioned, it was some information about his co partner Wayne. He wouldn't dare let them know that they were working together, but he did take the information into consideration.

"Aren't you two the owners of your illegal gun business?"

"Nah, I only know Wayne because he rents a part of my building."

"Come on Kevious, you don't have to lie to me. Wayne has already been labeled a former informant. The proof is dead in your eyes." Noelle said.

"The fuck are you? Some cop? Like I said, I don't know nothing about that. If you got some questions go ask that nigga."

"Can you leave us alone for a second?" Noelle looked at the man. Kevious placed his gun on the table to keep her from standing too close.

"I'm not a cop, I'm not undercover or anything Kevious. I just want you to forgive me...I know what you did wasn't intentional."

"It was." Kevious said not caring if he hurt her feelings. He literally hated her so much that he couldn't even find the soft spot he had for her anymore.

"I know you don't mean that. I just came here to tell you about your friend or whoever he is to you."

"Cool, you know where the door is." He said, Noelle stared at him. She was contemplating on her next move, Kevious paid her no mind.

"Last time you were in my basement, you was put in the back of an ambulance. Think twice Noelle." He commented seeing that she was stepping near him.

"You know what fuck it. I keep trying and you act like I don't exist." She frowned. Kevious looked at her, trying not to laugh in her face.

"You done? I got some shit to do and you wasting my time."

"Yeah I'm done, just know that you will get in trouble too if you're working with Wayne. You already got busted once."


Kevious watched as she rolled her eyes and left out of his basement. He made sure to check his cameras to make sure no funny behavior happened.

Once they had left, he proceeded to clean up the glass and then grabbed his tools. As he sat in his truck getting ready to pull off, he begin to think about if the information about Wayne was true.

He wasn't sure on what to do in the situation, but he knew he was ready to get his money and leave the business for good.

It was looking like he'd be ending his deal more sooner than he thought.
The two weeks of Brooklyn being on bedrest were finally over. She was relieved and ready to start back painting new canvas.

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