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We made our way to the middle of the basketball court and waited for the teacher to tell us today's plan. I could feel eyes burn holes into my head as well as whispers and chitchatting. I sighed annoyed at the unnecessary attention we were getting and just prayed for this day to end.

"Today we're playing dodge ball" the teacher announced and everyone started cheering. We were asked to be in groups and of course no one chose me or Vega because she was friends with the freak aka me.

"What is dodge ball?" She asked curiously as she scanned the scattered balls around the court.

"We have to hit the other team, you hit them they're out. They throw the ball at you and you catch it, they're out." I explained while we made our way to the second part of the court, the balls were placed on the median line. The coach blew her whistle and we all ran to grab a ball except for Vega because she was confused. I backed away from the line with one ball in my hand.

I did like sports and I was pretty competitive I just didn't like participating when there was no prize but when I saw that Cheryl and one of her minions were on the opposite team I felt the need to play.

I ducked as a ball missed my head by a few inches and I threw my ball as hard as I can hitting this guy on his side.

"Out!" The teacher yelled, I smirked and watched him step out of the court. Vega was staring at us like were literally apes fighting for the leader's spot.

"I promise it's fun" I said handing her a ball, she scanned it for a second before throwing it at inhuman speed hitting Cheryl in the face. I watched her slide back as she cried out and I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Nice shot Vega" I said giving her my fist then I remembered she doesn't know what a fist bump is. I was about to drop my hand when I felt her hand touch my knuckles, she was holding it like she wanted to shake it and I just giggled and accepted it.

"Watch!" Someone yelled, I looked to the side and I saw a ball coming right at my face before I could react or move out of the way, a hand was already anticipating the ball. Vega caught the ball in a blink of an eye, she squeezed it so hard it blew up in her hand.

"Stop! You, new girl" the coach said coming our way, Vega handed the coach her popped up ball because she thought she asked for it.

"Have you ever thought of playing football?" The coach asked, Vega looked at me for a second and I shook my head no.

"No" she replied shortly, the coach smiled widely and gave her hand for Vega to shake and she took it with a bit of hesitation.

"Congratulations then, you're on the team" Vega smiled because the coach was smiling before she left. She turned to me and leaned a bit closer to me.

"Human? What is this football?" She asked with a smile, she was insanely cute but somehow hot at the same time and I couldn't understand that. With the corner of my eye I could see Cheryl holding her bleeding nose while she cried.

"I can show you what it means when we go home, okay?" She nodded to my answer with a small smile, I put my hand on her chest and gently pushed her away. I've never thought I'd be satisfied with seeing a person get hurt, until today. Even though, I kinda felt bad for her pretty face, it just got ruined.

The rest of the day went by fast, we managed to ignore every comment about Vega and me being the "lesbian couple" and how unfortunate that she got stuck with me, I even heard someone say I've put a spell on her.

Back at home, she couldn't stop asking me about football and what it was and why was she good at it when she's never played it before.

I sighed and sat on the couch putting my laptop on my legs, I typed American football on youtube while she sat patiently next to me with a small smile on her face. Her face dropped when she saw the yelling and tackling, she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion and asked me to pause the video.

"So they start tackling each other while trying to catch a oval shaped object? Why?" She asked confused,

"For fun, I guess. People enjoy sports like this you know" I sighed,

"You catch the ball and you throw it to your teammate. Or if you're the one running you catch the ball and try to reach the end of the field without being tackled" I said trying to explain in the most simple way for her, she laid back and made the water bottle fly from the table to her hand.

"So lazy..." I giggled, then I remembered that she'll probably dash through the field too fast or she'll accidentally blow up the moon if she threw the ball too hard.

"Just don't use too much power because it's going to look suspicious, we don't want trouble" I said shutting down my laptop and laid back as well, she nodded and turned her head to look at me.

"Do you enjoy sports?" She asked curiously, I enjoy many things but I just don't feel like moving sometimes.

"I do, I just like staying home more. Reading and watching things" I said turning to look at her, our faces were laying next to each other, her eyes were scanning every feature on me.

"I enjoy star gazing" she whispered while still staring at me, I didn't know if she meant it like....she was talking about me, or it was just a genuine answer.

"I- that's uhm...nice. cool cool" I replied nervously and averted my eyes away from her. I felt her finger on my cheek tracing to my jawline until it reached my chin and made me look at her.

"I enjoy your skin color" she said cutely making me giggle,

"You mean you like" I corrected her and she nodded softly.

"It's very shiny and beautiful to look at, just like the stars I watch" if I wasn't blushing before I definitely was right now, she was doing her best to compliment and I appreciated her effort.

Before I could reply to her comment, the door swung open harshly making me jump while Vega just turned her head towards the visitor.

My mom was staring at both of us suspiciously, she looked between me and Vega confused wondering why we were sitting so close and why I had a surprised look.

"M-mom hi! I didn't know you were coming today" I nervously stood up and walked towards her,

"Who's....that?" She asked confused, I sighed and asked for Vega to come closer.

"Mom this is Vega, she's an exchange student from Russia and she'll be staying with us for the next 5 months" I said with an innocent smile, my mom had this weird look while giving her hand to Vega to shake. They held hands for a second while glaring at each other and then let go.

"Nice to meet you Vega" my mom said with an unwelcoming tone. I chuckled nervously and pulled Vega away from the door towards my room, what the heck just happened?

Hello my dear friends! I hope you're doing well, the book is going very slow I'm soorryy I'm trying to make it more interesting with each chapter!

Love you!


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