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Vega's hand was on my chest, I looked down where it was and her nails were slowly digging in my stomach. She was quickly slammed back, Starla had an unreadable look on her face as she grabbed her by her collar. While checking for the metal object that controlled Vega, but she couldn't find it on her temple.

"Starla honey, you can't stop her when the microchip is inside her brain." He explained in a smug tone, Starla was holding Vega by her neck while she struggle to reach me. Her orders were clear and her eyes were focused on me.

Starla waved her hand around and we heard a loud scream, Vigor's head started twisting to the left as he winced and screamed in pain. His head did a 360 before getting yanked from his body, he dropped to the floor lifeless. Starla turned to Vega and waited for her to calm down but she was still shaking and trying to get to me.

"I'm sorry Darling, I have to kill her..." Starla said under her breath, I ran to her holding her wrist before it sunk in Vega's chest.

"No! There must be a way!" I said hopeful, but deep down I knew there wasn't any hope to save her. It was either me or her.

"There isn't any other way darling, she must die or she'll kill you to break the order" Starla said again, Vega was starting to bleed from her eyes as she hit and scratched against my mother's arm.

", don't kill her" I cried out leaning my head on her back, I felt her stiffen at the sound of that special word that I called her.

"Bring her to Ladin's lab" I heard Starla say, I looked up and she cuffed Vega's wrists together with the golden bracelets and Theo tied her arms to her body and guided her towards Dr. Ladin's office. I went to run after Theo but a hand caught me stopping me from moving.

"Juno, wait" Starla said, I looked up at her and she had a sad smile on her face. She sighed and wrapped her arms around my body hugged me tightly.

"I can't promise you she'll survive but I'm sure Dr. Ladin will do everything in her power" she kissed the top of my head than let go of me, I nodded and ran after Theo towards the labs. After a few turns I found myself in front of a large looking hospital room, Vega was strapped to a bed tightly while she screamed in pain. Her nose, eyes and ears were bleeding.

"Kill me! Please! Have mercy!" She yelled trying to yank her arms from the straps, but with no use. I stepped closer to the bed and her bloody red eyes caught mine.

"J-Juno....please end m-my suffering...end me!" She begged between gritted teeth as she fought against her thoughts and pain, the way her eyes cried blood and how much pain she seemed to be in was breaking my heart, I felt so bad how everything just turned so shitty for her, that psycho made her kill Cheryl, her lover. Her other half, she ripped her mate's head with her bare hands...

"I killed her...she didn't do anything!"

"...He made me torture her! I'm so sorry!" With every scream she let out my heart sunk deeper,

She suddenly tried to reach for me but the straps were tight around her wrists preventing her from doing so. Dr. Ladin barged in the room with a terrified look, she quickly grabbed a syringe and put something in it, she injected in Vega's neck and the two other women in lab coats walked in.

"So this is a tranquilizer I gave her, I'm gonna try and remove the chip from her temple without damaging anything" she explained as they put gloves on her, they handed her betadine as I recognize the brown color and she cleaned the space on her right temple.

I was quickly pulled away from the room by a pair of strong arms, Theo held me to her chest. Her heart was beating as fast as mine, but we were scared for different reasons. Even if Vega has done bad things to me, and almost ruined my life, I never wanted to kill her. I hurt her badly yes, but I was out of control.

"It's all my fault" I cried in Theo's chest, she only shushed me and rubbed my back in a comforting way. Before I could even remember, I was passed out from exhaustion.

"Theo!" I yelled jumping off of my bed, the door swung open and Theo barged in looking around.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked still looking around the room for any threats, then she walked closer to where I was standing.

" she..." I couldn't ask, I didn't want to hear the truth. She sighed in relief and took off her mask, she sat down on the bed rubbing her face in frustration.

"She's still in a coma, Ladin doesn't know when or if she'll wake up. The chip is removed though" she explained looking at me with a worried look, I swallowed hard and sat back next to her. I don't know if I should go see her or stay here and overthink ever decision I made in my whole life. I felt a hand slide into mine and rub it softly, Theo kissed my head and let me lay my head on her chest while she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you for being here Theo..."


My head was aching so hard, I've never felt this much pain my whole life. My eyes and ears hurt as well, and my whole body stung. Slowly the thoughts started running through my head, how Vigor stood in the room and ordered me to kill Cheryl.

I remember how he handed me a tiny blade and asked me to draw on her skin while he tied her to the bed, than with that same blade he asked me to slash her throat and decapitate her, I wasn't in control of my body but I saw and remember everything. How I leaned on her and started cutting her throat while she cried and screamed for me to stop, I couldn't stop. I didn't know how, he was controlling me.

I shook my head slowly trying to end the flashback, I looked to my side and I saw a long wire that connected the machines together, it was going all the way to ceiling. I stood up yanking the wire until it was dangling from the ceiling.


I stood up on the chair in the room and wrapped the wire around my neck until I felt like it was secured and won't untie. I felt numb, I couldn't think, I had to die to see her again... I wanted to apologize and tell her that it wasn't me, I'll drop to my knees and ask for her to forgive me.

I smiled remembering her soft smile and how she looked at me when I made a stupid comment, she was always the smart one between us. The way she'd scold me when I do something stupid. I looked down at the chair and I took one last deep breath before pushing it away, the wire tightened around my neck as I hanged to my death. The air slowly and painfully started disappearing, my lungs were begging for it but there was no way for them to get it. My vision started to darken and I knew I was close to seeing her. Cheryl...

"Fuck!" I heard a voice yell, suddenly I dropped down on the ground. The wire disappeared from around my neck and air filled my lungs with large quantities. I coughed and choked, when I opened my eyes to see who this person was. Long brown hair pulled in a ponytail and reading glasses behind them were worried brown eyes.

"Can you hear me Vega?" Dr. Ladin said as she checked for my pulse, her voice sounded much clearer than before. I laid my head on her lap and in that moment I just felt like taking a nap, I heard her let out a loud sigh and brush the hair out of my face before falling asleep.

Hmmmm okay interesting....

We're getting closer to the end, also I'm so excited to start the sequel for "insatiable desire" after this I'll be working on it.



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