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"I can't believe I let you eat my pussy" I said loudly for Vega to hear, I saw her cheeks tint with a pinkish shade as she blushed deeply, she looked embarrassed that I made it known in front of her mother dearest and her brother.

"You did what?!" I heard my mom yell but her head was quickly pushed down by a guard. Oh shit, I forgot she was even here and I let my mouth open without thinking before I speak.

"Sorry mom" I mumbled, Valeria stood up from her throne and went closer to where I was sitting, she glared at Theodora who bent down and pulled me up on my feet. I sighed and puffed the hair out of my face so I can see the queen better.

"Since, you and my daughter had a 'special' thing going on, let me fill you in with more information" she started, behind the queen I watched as Vega avoided looking at me while Cheryl just stood there with her head down. What a shame, all that toughness back on earth and now they're squirming like little fuckers.

I felt a hand on my jaw, Valeria digged her nails in my face and made me look at her.

"My daughter is next in line, she needs to kill you to eliminate any threat for her throne. She was sent to find your exact location and bring you here, one way or another" I yanked my face from her grip and her nails cut me on the face, I could feel the warm blood slide down my jaw and color my white clothes but I didn't care.

"Cheryl is also one of my spies, she's been keeping an eye on you for a while. She just needed back up, obviously because your mom is mated to Starla and she's almost equally strong and she can't take her out by herself" I felt my heart sink in hatred, all the times I thought I've had a chance. All the times I thought this one might be different than the last, they all turned out to be the same. They gain your trust, they make you believe in something and as soon as you get a hold of that happiness it's ripped right from your hands. I wish I was kidnapped without them playing with my feelings like I was a worthless human.

"Aww look at the human, tearing up. Are your feelings hurt? Poor Juno" the queen laughed and so did her son, my eyes got blurry from the tears. Angry tears, whenever I get mad I cry it's my way of coping. I hated it, I hated feeling like this. Hopeless and vulnerable.

"From the bottom of my heart, I wish I never met you." I said looking at them, specially Vega. She had this look across her face that screamed pity or sorry but I'm never going to believe or trust them again and like Cheryl once said. Once your trust is broken, it could never be fixed or retrieved again. Once a traitor, always a traitor.

I saw her son make his way to me and grab me by the hair and pull my head back to look at him. I clenched my jaw in anger and took a deep breath.

"Someone is butthurt" he laughed leaning closer to my face, the mistake he's made is that he let go of my hair before he backed away and I took my chance and headbutted him in the face.

I watched him grab his nose in pain, I smiled tasting the metallic taste on my lips. I've probably cut my forehead with how hard I hit him,

I still had the bracelet's on so I didn't have powers so in order to hit him hard and hurt him, I'd have to hurt myself in the process and I didn't care as long as I got the satisfaction.

"Who's butthurt now asshole" I chuckeld,

"You bi-" he picked his hand to slap me but he was quickly cut off by his mother.

"Enough!" She yelled, he glared at me and backed away still holding his nose. My mom and the two traitors were staring at me with concern but I choose to ignore their stares.

"I've brought you here to inform you officially, that we'll be executing all the previous royal family members including Starla" Valeria said sitting back on her throne,

"It'll take a while for her to wake up from the hibernation we put her in. Till then, you'll be imprisoned. Leave" she shooed everyone out, I felt a hand wrap around my bicep and pull me back.

"Oh and Vega, next time you come near me I'm biting your dick off" I yelled as Theodora dragged me out of the room. I heard her sigh, she scanned my face and shook her head in disapproval.

"Your head is bleeding" she mumbled as we waited for the elevator to reach the bottom floor,

"Yeah no shit" I replied, she grabbed my arm and pulled me to where I last got checked. She unchained my arm and asked me to strip. Just like before a few minutes later the doctor walked in, when she saw my face she had a concerned look.

I stripped and laid on the bed, my body got scanned but this time it didn't stop at that. After scanning the cut on my forehead the machine started cleaning and stitching ut automatically I winced at the pain but I tried to stay in place. My wrist was bandaged and so was the small cut on my jaw caused by Valeria's nails after getting rescanned one last time the bed opened and I was free to leave.

"Try not to touch the cut on your head so it doesn't start bleeding intensely" she said with a smile, I nodded and got up. Theodora handed me new clean clothes and I put them on. The doctor handed some pills to her.

"One everyday after eating, for a week." She explained and the guard nodded. I was chained again, I sighed and followed after Theodora to my cell I was excited to take my nap but my happiness was quickly taken away from me when I saw the son of a bitch standing inside my cell.

"You think you can humiliate me in front of everyone and get away with it" he said in anger, as soon as I stepped inside the cell he stalked towards me ready to punch me in the face.

A hand caught his forearm before it collided with my face, I stared in surprise at Theodora, the prince was also stunned at her action but soon the surprise turned into anger.

"How dare you!" He yelled at her masked face, she didn't look fazed she just stood in his face and finally replied.

"The doctor said not to touch her cut" as simple as she said it the prince wasn't pleased with her so he punched her hard on her face making the mask fall on the ground. I couldn't see her face because she was standing between me and the prince, all I saw was her pale neck and short haircut.

"You're lucky, you're one of the best soldiers in our army Theo and my mother would be upset if I killed you." He bumper her shoulder as he made way out of the room, I was still standing there surprised at what just happened. This complete stranger just saved me from getting brain damage. She sighed and looked down for a second before turning to look at me, and when I tell you my jaw dropped, it fuckin hit the floor so hard.

Her sleepy eyes stared at me with a serious and tired look, and her lips, that I wasn't expecting to be so.... appealing. She bent down to pick up her broken mask then she unchained me, her eyes met mine for a brief second before she left the room.

"Fuck, she's hot" I mumbled as she left the room, when I finally realized I didn't thank her I turned to catch her but the door was already closed and she wasn't there anymore. Probably went to get a new mask, she didn't need it at all, I'd rather look at her face than that mask she had on.



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What do you think of the lady guard? Sexy right.


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