[idk what to put here <3]

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You were relaxing in your apartment when you were RUDELY interrupted by your best friend 

"y/n do you want to come to a party with me?" 

"Are you driving, because I don't have a license."  

"Sure, now go get dressed you look like a dying rat." 

you laugh and go to your room to put on something. You decided on a pair of ripped jeans, a crop top (or whatever you prefer to wear), and a pair of worn-out red sneakers.


"IM COMING" you grab your phone off your bed on your way out 

---------------------------------Hours later at the party (bc I said so🤭)-----------------------------------------
"hey, Sophie we should go it's getting late.."

"aww come on y/n."

"Sophie I have to go home.."

"fine but I'm not driving you!"

"you too drunk to drive anyway."


you and Sophie leave the party early. You tell Sophie she's too drunk to drive and you two should just get a spree together but she denied it. you decided to order a spree and just go home.

"y/n? it's me Kurt your spree driver!"

your eyes darted up that was him? are you kidding me you thought

"yup that's me.."

you get in the car, and look up at the inside of the car to see at least 6 cameras.

"oh- don't mind those there for my protection" he smiled

you rolled your eyes as he started to drive  god this guy is such a dork  slowly losing your mind in your thoughts it's interrupted


you looked up and around quickly.

"you ok back there? there's some water if you need some."

"i-im good"

child locks?  you thought why would he need those on?  it ends up slipping your mind as you stare out the window dazing off.

the car stops. you look up. you almost get out of the car when you realize

"Kurt where are we this isn't my house, did I give you the wrong address?"

"No i-"

"here" you showed him your phone which had the right address written down.

"Oh. y'know why don't you just have some water?"

"uh ok" you shrugged and reached for a bottle 

"No." Kurt stared you directly in the eyes as he handed you a bottle of water from the front.

"i- umm ok." you take the water a have a sip. you felt sick.

"Kurt.. is there something in this water?"

"hm? what do you mean it's just pure water!"

you started to get dizzy you tried to reach for your phone but Kurt grabbed it before you could get a good grip on it.

"k-Kurt, please..just let me go please." your vision blurred

instead of listening to you he just turned up his music. You sobbed quietly, you closed your eyes because it made you seasick having them open. slowly losing consciousness all you heard was Kurt talking to someone or something

(please tell me if you liked the first part!! i might take a little to write part/chapter 2)

JUST LET ME GO (Kurt kunkle x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now