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Kurt started the car, and you both chatted about going to Denny's as a kid, it'd been a while since you'd gone last, but you knew that the food wasn't all that great.
"We're here." He smiled warmly
You both got out of the car and walked inside.
"Looks the same as it did when I was 15." You laughed.
Kurt smiled as you both walked up to get a table.
"Table for two please,"
Man, I love him, still a dork but I love him.
The waiter brought you two to a table near the restrooms, you looked for any crumbs before sitting down.
"Kurt, you know that if someone I know is here you're going to be caught."
"When pigs fly." He laughed
You looked at the menu thinking of what you wanted.
Who eats steak for breakfast? You rolled your eyes.
"What can I get started for ya?" The waiter asked happily.
"I'll have the grand slam which, please."
"And for you ma'am?"
"The classic benny breakfast."
She walked away to the kitchen with your orders.
"Hey, I'm going to use the bathroom real quick, I'll be back "
Kurt got up and left the table, about 10 minutes later you saw someone walk in just as Kurt was leaving the bathroom.
"Food still hasn't come?"
"It's been 10 minutes, you can wait."
Kurt rolled his eyes.
"Who's that guy?" He pointed at the guy who had just walked in, he was staring at you.
"Huh?" You looked closer at him
Is that-
"Y/N!" The man yelled
"Uh oh," Kurt said slowly getting up
Your thoughts were cut off by the yelling, the man approached quickly, this wasn't a normal man, this was your boyfriend.
"Dude back off" Kurt put space in between you and your boyfriend.
"You wanna fight kid?" Your boyfriend threw Kurt on the ground.
"Excuse me what's all this noise?" The waiter walked over. " if yer gonna fight take it outside."
"Whatever." Your boyfriend grab Kurt's arm and started dragging him.
You got out of your seat and started chasing after them, once outside you were shocked.
"Let go of me!" Kurt kicked while being dragged.
"You fucking kidnapped my girlfriend and want me to let you go? You're fucking crazy!"
Kurt managed to get away from him and back on his feet, but it didn't matter, your boyfriend grabbed him again and threw him down, and started beating the absolute shit out of him.
"STOP, PLEASE STOP" You screamed
Kurt kicked hin in the stomach multiple times, he managed to kick him off and backed away a bit. He runs over to the car and grabs something, your boyfriend ready to attack again... Kurt runs at him, and stabs him a bunch...
"Jesus Christ..." You whisper

Blood pours from your boyfriends body... Kurt grabs you and shoves you in the car

"Kurt! What the fuck!" You yell

"Shut up." He starts the car and speeds down the road...

you sit quietly the entire ride... horrified to what you had just witnessed.... after a solid hour you pull up to a hotel.. a very shady one at that. kurt gets out and walks inside, he gets  room then returns to the car and makes you come with him inside

"Stay here just incase the cops come" Kurt would say while cupping your chin

You nod and close your eyes as you lie down

You fell asleep...

So peaceful

You're woken by loud yelling and gun fire, groggily you sat up and look around, police had come, but where's Kurt? You noticed the police looking at you...

You peak over the beds edge and see Kurt.. there bullet wounds in his chest... He's dead.

You hold back  tears, I mean yeah he was a horrible person but you kinda loved him.. the police escorted you out of the room and took you in for questioning...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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