yall down bad

320 1 11


Your eyes gazed out the window.
You decide against breaking a window remembering what happened the last time you broke a window.
You wipe the blood off your face with Kurt's sweater.
"Ugh, why the fuck does smell so bad."
You pulled off the sweater.
Does he know how to do laundry?
You got up and left the room, not caring about what Kurt said.
"what the fuck....." you whisper while closing the door behind you.
How is he going to clean this up?
You walked down the stairs, while at the bottom, you stared at his dad's body.
You felt frozen, petrified.
"Y/n I thought I asked you to bring me a tow-"
You heard come down the stairs.
"I thought I told you to stay in my room."
His hands reached around your waist pulling you into him.
"Why don't you listen to me?" He whined while turning you to face him.
His hands gripped tightly around your waist, you didn't struggle, not one bit.
"Let's go back to my room, ok?"
You nodded in fear while blinking away tears.
He pulled you closer to his chest tilting your head up, gently pulling your lips to his.
What am I supposed to do now...
He kissed you softly.
Are you fucking kidding, his dad is dead behind and he's kissing me?
"See, It's ok, let's go back to my room." He gently led you to his room again.
You followed him, not trying to end up like his dad.
What the fuck do I do, I can't escape, I can't ask to leave, what do I do
You panicked quietly not trying to alert Kurt.
"Listen I said I was sorry."
You let out a soft sigh.
"it's ok."
Kurt nodded and began to get dressed, right in front of you.
"Hey, y/n." Kurt had finished changing.
"Do you want to go to a party?"
he pulled you in "it's ok we won't be gone long."
You pushed him away in fear.
"Kurt your dad's dead." You cried.
"I know. Now answer the question."
If we go I can run out of the party and flag someone down for help
"Promise you won't leave..please.?"
you nodded.
"I won't leave.."
You both got ready an hour later.
This is so fucked up.
"Almost ready?"
You nodded not feeling safe talking anymore, suddenly he pulled you into a hug.
"I love you~,"  he said pulling you closer.
"L-love you too."
You tried to ignore him when you got in the car, only trying to make a plan on how to escape, or...
Kill him?
You whispered it to yourself softly.
"Did you say something?"
"Hm, no."
20 minutes passed and you pulled up in front of a house. You both walked in, people were dancing, drinking, talking and recording videos. Any time Kurt saw a camera point in your direction he pulled you close not wanting your face to be seen.

You were both hanging out for a bit when someone started to walk toward you.
"Hey Kurt, I'm glad you came."
( Ik Bobby isn't nice but bare with me)
"Oh, hey Bobby."
"Who's that?" He pointed at you.
"My uhm girlfriend." Kurt smiled
Kurt walked away to get some more snacks.
"Bobby, right."
"Do you know where a bathroom is.?"
Bobby nodded and lead you to a bathroom.
"No problem." He flashed a smile and walked away.

How do I get out of here, window? No this is not my house it'd be rude to break something. Maybe I can make a run for it.
You mustered up the courage to quickly leave the bathroom and go out the back door, from there you ran as fast as you could, not caring if Kurt saw you, not caring about anything.
You saw headlights suddenly.
Just. Keep. Running.
Your foot managed to get a wedge in a crack causing you to fall straight down.
"FUCK." You yelled out wiping blood off your scraped knees.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you heard a car stop.
No no no no.
"You said you wouldn't leave." Kurt gave puppy eyes.
"FUCK YOU," you yelled in anger.
"Hey calm down." He pulled you to your feet.
You pushed him away, limping backwards in the process.
"Just get in the car, I'll drive us home then I'll take care of your knees." He smiled.
"No. Not this, you're insane, you killed your mom your dad, and next is me for all I know, why would I want to get in  a car with you." You sobbed backing away even more.
"Don't make me do something unreasonable."
"YOU ALREADY HAVE." You stepped back again.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I would never mean to hurt you."
"Stop lying to me." You wiped tears off your face.
"Just trust me." He gave a semi-regretful face.
"I'll change I swear, but right now y/n I need you to trust me".
You felt guilty suddenly.
No, I shouldn't feel bad for this psycho.
He stared at you, with eyes of sadness and loneliness.
You kept silent. Waiting to see if he was going to grab you. But he didn't, he just stood there.
"I said I'm not going anywhere near you."
"You can't leave me, you know too much, we'd make a great couple."
"No. I can't trust you."
You watched as his hand went into his pocket slowly.
"I asked you nicely, come with me home."
You watched him grip something In his pocket. You couldn't tell what it was it was too dark to tell.
"I'm not going home with you, I'm going to call the police, and you can't stop me."
"Y/n please I don't wanna do something unreasonable, I don't ."
You stood still as he pulled something out of his pocket. 
"No, Kurt I'm not going anywhere with you."
He pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at you.

"I said get in."

(Yoooo sorry this took so long, school has been super stressful, I'll try getting more chapters out that's all byee)

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