insert epic title here 🤯

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"Kurt you hurting me! Stop!"
"I-im so sorry I didn't mean to." He lifted himself off you immediately.
You stared at him in the eyes.
"I'm sorry" his voice softened.
You sat up beside him.
"There was a lot of sexual tension there."
"I- wait.."
He started to turn red like a tomato.
You giggled and hugged him even if he smelled bad.
"You should have a shower."
"Kurt I don't have any other clothes."
"Well, you can were mine then."
"I'm not wearing any of your boxers."
"Do you want to be walking around without underwear on?"
"Well no but."
"But what? Hm?"
"I'll pick out some clothes for you."
"You do that, but where the hell is your bathroom?"
"Oh, I'll show you!"
You and Kurt walked out of his room.
" Oh, you must be Kurt's friend! How are you?"
"Last night Kurt said you were feeling sick."
Bless this woman's soul
"Oh yeah, I feel a little better this morning."
"That's good."
Kurt pulled on your wrist leading you to the bathroom.
"Here we are!"
"Thanks, Kurt."
"No problem, I'll go finish picking out some clothes for you."
You got undressed and got in his shower. You had a decent shower it's just not the same as when you are kidnapped by a homicidal maniac.
"Y/N! I brought you clothes."
You put a towel on to cover yourself up and took the clothes from Kurt.
"I'll be in my room if you need me!"
You got dressed quickly but when you tried opening the bathroom door it was a lock from the outside.

(Sorry it's so short it's midnight where I am and I'm really tired I'll check in the morning for grammar/spelling errors)

JUST LET ME GO (Kurt kunkle x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now